counting the balls that hit the rectangle

edited November 2017 in Questions about Code
Hi there

i have a question which is how to add a counter for the balls that hit the rectangle ? 

this is the code 

    float x, y, speedX, speedY;
    float diam = 10;
    float rectSize = 100;

    final int WIDTH = 1366;
    final int HEIGHT = 768;
    final int NUM_OF_BALLS = 64;
    final int BALL_SIZE = 25;

    float ball_x[] = new float[NUM_OF_BALLS];
    float ball_y[] = new float[NUM_OF_BALLS];
    float ball_dx[] = new float[NUM_OF_BALLS];
    float ball_dy[] = new float[NUM_OF_BALLS];

    void setup() {
      fullScreen( );
      fill(0, 255, 0);

      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_BALLS; i ++) {
        ball_x[i] = random(0, rectSize); 
        ball_y[i] = random(0, rectSize);
        ball_dx[i] = random(-3, 3);
        ball_dy[i] = random(-3, 3);

    void reset() {
      x = width/2;
      y = height/2;
      speedX = random(3, 5);
      speedY = random(3, 5);

    void draw() { 

       for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_BALLS; i ++) {
        ellipse(ball_x[i], ball_y[i], BALL_SIZE, BALL_SIZE);
        ball_x[i] += ball_dx[i];
        ball_y[i] += ball_dy[i];
        if (ball_x[i] >= WIDTH - BALL_SIZE) ball_dx[i] = -ball_dx[i];
        if (ball_y[i] >= HEIGHT - BALL_SIZE) ball_dy[i] = -ball_dy[i];
        if (ball_x[i] <= BALL_SIZE) ball_dx[i] = -ball_dx[i];
        if (ball_y[i] <= BALL_SIZE) ball_dy[i] = -ball_dy[i];

      rect(0, 0, 0, height);
      rect(width-15, mouseY-rectSize/2, 10, rectSize);

      x += speedX;
      y += speedY;

      // if ball hits movable bar, invert X direction
      if ( x > width-15 && x < width -20 && y > mouseY-rectSize/2 && y < mouseY+rectSize/2 ) {
        speedX = speedX * -1;

      // if ball hits wall, change direction of X
      if (x < 25) {
        speedX *= -1.1;
        speedY *= 1.1;
        x += speedX;

      // if ball hits up or down, change direction of Y   
      if ( y > height || y < 0 ) {
        speedY *= -1;

    void mousePressed() {


  • How did you solve it?

  • Since I have a nice, large monitor, this small change is immediately more fun (and a lot less of a tease):

    float x, y, speedX, speedY; 
    float diam = 10; 
    float rectSize = 100;
    //final int WIDTH = 1366; 
    //final int HEIGHT = 768; 
    final int NUM_OF_BALLS = 64; 
    final int BALL_SIZE = 25;
    float ball_x[] = new float[NUM_OF_BALLS]; 
    float ball_y[] = new float[NUM_OF_BALLS]; 
    float ball_dx[] = new float[NUM_OF_BALLS]; 
    float ball_dy[] = new float[NUM_OF_BALLS];
    void setup() { 
      fullScreen( ); 
      fill(0, 255, 0); 
      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_BALLS; i ++) { 
        ball_x[i] = random(0, rectSize); 
        ball_y[i] = random(0, rectSize); 
        ball_dx[i] = random(-3, 3); 
        ball_dy[i] = random(-3, 3);
    void reset() { 
      x = width/2; 
      y = height/2; 
      speedX = random(3, 5); 
      speedY = random(3, 5);
    void draw() { 
      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_BALLS; i ++) { 
        ellipse(ball_x[i], ball_y[i], BALL_SIZE, BALL_SIZE); 
        ball_x[i] += ball_dx[i]; 
        ball_y[i] += ball_dy[i]; 
        if (ball_x[i] >= width - BALL_SIZE) ball_dx[i] = -ball_dx[i]; 
        if (ball_y[i] >= height - BALL_SIZE) ball_dy[i] = -ball_dy[i]; 
        if (ball_x[i] <= BALL_SIZE) ball_dx[i] = -ball_dx[i]; 
        if (ball_y[i] <= BALL_SIZE) ball_dy[i] = -ball_dy[i];
        rect(0, 0, 0, height); 
        rect(width-15, mouseY-rectSize/2, 10, rectSize);
        x += speedX; 
        y += speedY;
        // if ball hits movable bar, invert X direction 
        if ( x > width-15 && x < width -20 && y > mouseY-rectSize/2 && y < mouseY+rectSize/2 ) { 
          speedX = speedX * -1;
        // if ball hits wall, change direction of X 
        if (x < 25) { 
          speedX *= -1.1; 
          speedY *= 1.1; 
          x += speedX;
        // if ball hits up or down, change direction of Y
        if ( y > height || y < 0 ) { 
          speedY *= -1;
    void mousePressed() { 
  • Answer ✓

    yes, don't define WIDTH and HEIGHT, they are already available as width and height and will reflect the screen size if you use fullscreen().

    how to add a counter for the balls that hit the rectangle ?

    // if ball hits movable bar, invert X direction

    you could increment a counter in the block here. use a global variable.

  • Hello , how to connect the slider with the acceleration of the balls ?

       import  controlP5.*;
    ControlP5 cp5;
    int rectHeight  = 100;
    int rectWidth   = 20;
    int gotBallsCounter = 0;
    final int NUM_OF_BALLS = 30;
    final int BALL_SIZE = 25;
    float ball_x[] = new float[NUM_OF_BALLS];
    float ball_y[] = new float[NUM_OF_BALLS];
    float ball_dx[] = new float[NUM_OF_BALLS];
    float ball_dy[] = new float[NUM_OF_BALLS];
    int actualTimer[] = new int[NUM_OF_BALLS];
    void setup() {
      fill(0, 255, 0);
      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_BALLS; i ++) {
        ball_x[i] = random(0, rectHeight);
        ball_y[i] = random(0, rectHeight);
        ball_dx[i] = random(-5, 4);
        ball_dy[i] = random(-5, 4);
        if (ball_dx[i] < 2 && ball_dx[i] >= 0 ) ball_dx[i] = 2;
        if (ball_dx[i] == -1) ball_dx[i] = -2;
        if (ball_dy[i] < 2 && ball_dy[i] >= 0 ) ball_dy[i] = 2;
        if (ball_dy[i] == -1) ball_dy[i] = -2;
         cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
    void draw() {
      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_BALLS; i ++) {
        ellipse(ball_x[i], ball_y[i], BALL_SIZE, BALL_SIZE);
        ball_x[i] += ball_dx[i];
        ball_y[i] += ball_dy[i];
        if (ball_x[i] >= width-BALL_SIZE/2) ball_dx[i] = -ball_dx[i];
        if (ball_y[i] >= height-BALL_SIZE/2) ball_dy[i] = -ball_dy[i];
        if (ball_x[i] <= BALL_SIZE/2) ball_dx[i] = -ball_dx[i];
        if (ball_y[i] <= BALL_SIZE/2) ball_dy[i] = -ball_dy[i];
        rect(width-rectWidth, mouseY-rectHeight/2, rectWidth, rectHeight);
        if ( ball_x[i] >= width-rectWidth-BALL_SIZE/2 && ball_y[i] > mouseY-rectHeight/2 && ball_y[i] < mouseY+rectHeight/2 ) {
          ball_dx[i] = -ball_dx[i];
          int timer = millis();
          if (timer-actualTimer[i] >= 5000)
            actualTimer[i] = timer;
        text(gotBallsCounter, 10, 30);
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