Can I hide the X to close the program with a frame setting?

edited November 2017 in How To...

I have a exit to windows button to smoothly close my program and make sure outputs are in off state before exiting. I successfully ignore the ESC button from closing window I want to hide the X so no one can click it to close the program Is it possible, still want My program name to appear in title bar though.


  • you can export your program as an executable and hide the close button

  • Answer ✓

    u mean the stop at the lower left corner? I chk hide stop in export, but if frame setdecorate is true title bar with X to close window still appears. I SOLVED by not using frame title bar and created space at top of frame for my own title and X to close that exits after shutting off I/O outputs

  • Thanks for sharing your solution.

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