How to cut a sphere shell in Processing? How to scale and rotate shells like this?

I'm really impressed by Christoph Bader's work Kugeln:





I think the figure can help me understand how he generate this amazing structure, but I have no idea.
What does the Transformation and Area mean? How does they relate to the final 3D shape?

And I want to reproduce it using WebGL or Processing.
Here is my initial guess about the procedure:
1. cut a tiny sphere shell in a certain way
a. a sphere shell come from a sphere minus a smaller sphere(for WebGL, I think I can do it with
b. I can do the same thing on sphere shell and other 3D shape
2. for each layer, scale up the shell and rotate a random angle

I have not started to working on this yet, but I really want to hear some ideas from you, any suggestions/discussions are appreciated.



  • He's probably using a ray tracer for that rather than opengl, the lighting is too subtle. Look at structuresynth perhaps.

    You can approximate the idea in processing but you'll have to write the shell code yourself. It's not that hard to create a curved surface that's part of a sphere but I think you'd need to do it that way rather than using sphere() and removing bits.

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