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I'm making a fairly simple sketch with 1 class and a planet (which I got a picture from online) but I want to know how to make that image have an outlining kind of flashing glow.
Hopefully someone can help me :)
This is my main sketch:
PImage img;
PImage sun;
int numberOfplanets = 0; //this variable controls how many planets
planets[] big = new planets[numberOfplanets]; //this creates an array of planets
//make an array list with a flexible number of objects in it
ArrayList<planets> biglist = new ArrayList<planets>();
void setup()
size(700, 393);
for ( int i=0; i<numberOfplanets; i=i+1) {
big[i] = new planets(width/2, height/2); //this creates Ball object in the array spaces from 0 to 1 to 2 to....numberOfBalls
void draw()
background(img = loadImage("background.jpg"));
sun = loadImage("sun.png");
image(sun, 255, 100, 200, 180);
for ( int i=0; i<numberOfplanets; i=i+1) {
big[i].move(); //this will move each Ball object in the array
big[i].display(); //this will display each Ball object
// move and display all the Balls in the balls list
for ( int i=0; i<biglist.size(); i=i+1) {
planets temp = biglist.get(i); //this gets the ith object in the array list
for ( int j=0; j<biglist.size(); j=j+1) {
if (i != j ) { //avoid when i==j
planets temp2 = biglist.get(j); //gets the other ball
if (temp.checkCollide(temp2)) {
; //check if the ball collides with another one
if ( temp2.getRad()>temp.getRad()) {
//temp2 is bigger than temp
temp2.setRad(temp2.getRad()+temp.getRad()); //adds the two values
} else {
temp.setRad(temp2.getRad()+temp.getRad()); //adds the two values
//this method runs every time the mouse is clicked
void mousePressed() {
//add one ball object to the bobslist arraylist
biglist.add(new planets (mouseX, mouseY)); //.add means run the add method for arraylists
and this is my class:
public class planets {
//all the code in here defines the planets
//first, declare any class variables
int rad; // Width of the shape
float xpos, ypos; // Starting position of shape
float xspeed; // Speed of the shape
float yspeed; // Speed of the shape
int xdirection; // Left or Right
int ydirection; // Top to Bottom
PImage earth; //this makes a PImage object
//a constructor: code that runs when we make an object
public planets() {
earth = loadImage("earth.png"); //this image is in data folder
rad = (int)random(100); //This is to randomize the size of the balls without the balls flickering
xspeed = random(10); //random speed for balls
yspeed = random(10);
xdirection = 1;
ydirection = 1;
xpos = random(rad, 400-rad);
ypos = random(rad, 200-rad);
//an overload constructor with width and height
public planets(int w, int h) { //w=width, h=height
earth = loadImage("earth.png"); //this image is in data folder
rad = (int)random(100); //This is to randomize the size of the balls without the balls flickering
xspeed = random(10); //random speed for balls
yspeed = random(10);
xdirection = 1;
ydirection = 1;
xpos = random(rad, w-rad);
ypos = random(rad, h-rad);
//overload constructor
public planets(int w, int h, int s) { //w=width, h=height
earth = loadImage("earth.png"); //this image is in data folder
rad = (int)random(100); //This is to randomize the size of the balls without the balls flickering
xspeed = random(10); //random speed for balls
yspeed = random(10);
xdirection = 1;
ydirection = 1;
xpos = random(rad, w-rad);
ypos = random(rad, h-rad);
//a overloaded constructor: takes 2 location values
public planets(int xposition, int yposition, int w, int h) { //parameters
earth = loadImage("earth.png"); //this image is in data folder
rad = (int)random(100); //This is to randomize the size of the balls without the balls flickering
xspeed = random(10); //random speed for balls
yspeed = random(10);
float change = random(-100, 100);
if (change < 0) {
xdirection = -1;
} else {
xdirection = 1;
change = random(-100, 100);
if (change < 0) {
ydirection = -1;
} else {
ydirection = 1;
xpos = xposition; //object will start in the parameter location
ypos = yposition;
//methods to control the Ball objects
public void move() {
// Update the position of the shape
xpos = xpos + ( xspeed * xdirection );
ypos = ypos + ( yspeed * ydirection );
public void bounce() {
// Test to see if the shape exceeds the boundaries of the screen
// If it does, reverse its direction by multiplying by -1
if (xpos > width-rad || xpos < rad) {
xdirection *= -1;
if (ypos > height-rad || ypos < rad) {
ydirection *= -1;
public void display() {
image(earth, xpos, ypos, 90, 90);
//this method checks if the ball object hits another one
public boolean checkCollide(planets other) {
if ( dist(xpos, ypos, other.xpos, other.ypos) <= rad + other.rad) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public int getRad() {
return rad; //this will send the NUMBER back
//a "setter" to change the size of the ball
public void setRad(float newSize ) {
rad = (int) newSize;
Can we see the sketch, the image, and a mock-up picture of what you'e trying to achieve? It's basically impossible to help you otherwise.
as an aside, you can call construtors from constructors
can you can replace the first with
(your third doesn't use s and is identical to the second)