How to put text string over the animation

edited October 2017 in How To...

Could anybody explain how to put the text string with autoclear over the animation another object without autoclear at the same time? Is this possible? I have added string, but it has been overlapped by animation. If I put it into void draw() section it spoils without auto clear.


  • I am not sure I understand.

    can you show your code please?

    you wrote:

    how to put the text string with autoclear over the animation (AND) another object without autoclear at the same time?

    is there an AND missing?


    When you are working in 2D and not in 3D the last thing drawn on the canvas is on top.

    So you want to draw your text at the end of draw() after you have drawn the animation.


    With autoclear you mean background(0); at the start of the function draw()?


    When you don't use background(0); you could draw a rect behind the text to make the text clear

    int[] xPos = {95, 70, 95, 60};
    int[] yPos = {150, 230, 310, 390};
    String[] value ={"3", "322", "0", "9" }; 
    int lineNumberToDisplayText=3; 
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    size(500, 600);
    fill(255, 245, 12);
    rect(xPos[lineNumberToDisplayText ]+12, yPos[lineNumberToDisplayText ] +10, 
      88, 33); 
    text("Test \n" 
      + value[lineNumberToDisplayText ], 
      xPos[lineNumberToDisplayText ]+19, yPos[lineNumberToDisplayText ] +22 );
  • edited October 2017

    Thanks for the answer, Chrisir.

    is there an AND missing?

    Sorry, I have missed OF

    With autoclear you mean background(0); at the start of the function draw()?

    Yes, I mean all objects are redrawn. I have the animation of the rectangle and the text "Hello Strings!". I want to put the text over the rectangle animation without text redrawn. Now the text is constantly redrawn and has a spoiled edge.

    But if I put it into setup, it is overlapped by rectangle.

    PFont f;  
    float angle = 0.0;
    void setup() {
          size(400, 400);
          background(255, 204, 0);
          f = createFont("Arial",30,true);
     void draw() {
          text("Hello Strings!",10,100);
          translate(mouseX, mouseY);
          fill(204, 102, 0);
          rect(-15, -15, 30, 30);
          angle += 0.1;
  • Answer ✓
    PFont f;  
    float angle = 0.0;
    void setup() {
      size(400, 400);
      background(255, 204, 0);
      f = createFont("Arial", 30, true);
    void draw() {
      background(255, 204, 0);
      translate(mouseX, mouseY);
      fill(204, 102, 0);
      rect(-15, -15, 30, 30);
      angle += 0.1;
      textFont(f, 30);                 
      text("Hello Strings!", 10, 100);
  • Hooray, it is working! Thank you!

  • As said, your text is on top when you use the text() at the end of draw().

    To isolate the rotation of the rectangle from the rest, I used pushMatrix and popMatrix - see reference

    I use background(255, 204, 0); at start of draw() as it is with most animations in processing.

  • edited October 2017

    Oh, I hurried. it's not really what I wanted. Animation of rectangle should have been remain, without background redraw. I mean this picture Shot 2017-10-29 at 9.38.47 PM.png?dl=0

  • edited October 2017

    Maybe It would be better to use image of text and mask in this case?

  • you can also use PGraphics pg, draw rects into that

    display pg with image() and draw text over it

  • Thanks, I'll try it

  • Did you try this:

    PFont f;  
    float angle = 0.0;
    void setup() {
      size(400, 400);
      background(255, 204, 0);
      f = createFont("Arial", 30, true);
    void draw() {
      // background(255, 204, 0);
      translate(mouseX, mouseY);
      fill(204, 102, 0);
      rect(-15, -15, 30, 30);
      angle += 0.1;
      textFont(f, 30);                 
      text("Hello Strings!", 10, 100);
  • edited October 2017

    Yeah, Shot 2017-10-30 at 7.30.05 AM.png?dl=0, the text has spoiled ragged edges because of repeating, it doesn't suit.

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