[SOLVED] collision and obstacles detection

edited October 2017 in Questions about Code

Hi, i'm working on the next phase of my project (https://forum.processing.org/two/discussion/23539/genetic-algorithm-driven-ecosystem), i've managed to implement a neural network for the creatures (as soon as i finish commenting it i'll share the whole code) and now i'm trying to improve the creatures perception of the environment. right now they just perceive the environment by triangulating the distance of the closest food source (distance from body, distance from antenna sx and antenna dx).

i've made a simple code to explain what i'd like to achieve:

you can move the ship with WASD, the ship has 5 eyes represented by lines, length of the lines represent how far it can sees. there are random obstacles of random dimension and random color.

i've made a function (collision) to calculate the minimum distance from an obstacle (ship radius/2 + obstacle radius/2) and to check if we are exceeding those values (the ship turns red if we touch something).

now, first of all i'd like the ship to be unable to update its position if that means exceeding the minimum distance from something (ie. ship gets stuck even if slightly touching something diagonally).

and the most important thing: the lines representing the eyes should modify their length if they touch something, that way i can calculate objects distance and position by simply looking at the various lines sizes. Optional the line should be able to get the rgb color of the object they are "seeing".

I know i'm asking a lot, but bare with me and i'll present you a fully functional, easy to use (sort of), Neural Network to play with :D

Ship myShip;

float obsNum;
ArrayList<Obstacle> obstacles;
boolean [] keys = new boolean[128];

void setup() {
  size(600, 600); 
  myShip = new Ship();
  obsNum = 5;
  obstacles = new ArrayList<Obstacle>();
  for (int i = 0; i < obsNum; i++){
    obstacles.add(new Obstacle(random(width), random(height)));

void draw() {
  for (int i = 0; i < obstacles.size(); i++){
    Obstacle o = obstacles.get(i);

void keyPressed() {    //allows to move while rotate
  keys[key] = true;

void keyReleased() {
  keys[key] = false;

class Ship {  
  PVector pos, vel;     // position and velocity
  int speed;            // constant speed
  float theta;          // angle of rotation
  float rotS;           // rotation speed
  float sight;          //sight distance
  float sightSpread;    //distance between eyes
  float radius;         //radius of the ship
  float col;            //color of the ship

  Ship() {
    speed = 5;
    rotS = 5;
    theta = 0;          // must be initialized at 0°
    sight = 200;
    sightSpread = 30;
    radius = 50;
    col = 0;
    pos = new PVector(width/2, height/2);
    vel = new PVector();

  void run() {        //generic function container 

  void move() {
    vel.x = speed*cos(theta);  //this modify vel.x and vel.y
    vel.y = speed*sin(theta);  //based ont the actual angle

    if (keys['w'])              //move forward

    if (keys['s'])              //move backward half speed

    if (keys['d'])              //rotate right
      theta += radians(rotS);

    if (keys['a'])              //rotate left 
      theta -= radians(rotS);

  void collision() {
    int touchedObs = 0;
    for (int i=0; i < obstacles.size(); i++) {                    //check obstacles array
      float minDist = (radius/2) + (obstacles.get(i).radius/2);   //calculate minimumdistance based on ship radius and obstacle radius
      PVector obsPos = obstacles.get(i).position.copy();
      float d = PVector.dist(pos, obsPos);

      if (d < minDist) {      
        touchedObs ++;
    if (touchedObs > 0) col = 255;
    else                col = 0;

  void display() {    
    pos.x=constrain(pos.x, 25, width-25);     // limit position vector to screen size
    pos.y=constrain(pos.y, 25, height-25);

    translate(pos.x, pos.y);               //translate origin to allow rotation

    stroke(0);                             //lines of sight, Player MUST face east if theta=0
    line(0, 0, sight, -sightSpread*2);     //leftmost eye
    line(0, 0, sight, -sightSpread);       //left eye
    line(0, 0, sight, 0);                  //central eye
    line(0, 0, sight, sightSpread);        //right eye
    line(0, 0, sight, sightSpread*2);      //rightmost eye

    fill(col, 0, 0);                              
    ellipse(0, 0, radius, radius);         //player body

class Obstacle{

  PVector position;
  float radius;
  color col;

  Obstacle(float x,float y){
   radius = random(20, 50);
   position= new PVector(x,y);
   col = color(random(255), random(255), random(255));

  void display(){



  • edited October 2017

    I think I understand.

    Are you sure that you want the eyes to be represented by lines -- not by an arc wedge?

    In any case, what are obstacles -- are they circles, rectangles, polygons, or something else? Your demo shows them as ellipses -- is that all they will be?

  • @jeremydouglass that's a good question, how would you approach the problem with arc wedge?

    the problem is related to the architecture of the project. i'll try to explain: every neuron of the neural net can take a single input each frame, so if i use a "cone of view" i have no idea about how to feed informations to the net about "what's inside the cone". with the line method i will get 5 separate distance (thus the net can understand both distance AND direction) by adding color detection the plan is: detect color of the touched objects, sum up the rgb components of their colors, feed the 3 summed components as inputs to understand "what am i seeing" (3 rgb neurons for the left eye and 3 for the right one).

    that was my plan, but if any of you guys have a different approach or idea, you're welcome.

  • about the "will there be just ellipses colliding?" question: i don't know, but right now it's not that important, i can easily use ellipse only if that will make things easier

  • i solved the body collision issue in a pretty simple way: just added a "stucked" boolean, and a nexPosition vector to forecast what my next position will be. check if my next position will exceed minimum distance from obstacles, if not, allow movement, otherwise, deny it.

    here's an updated ship class, if the ship is red at the beginning of the simulation please restart it (you spawned inside an obstacle so no movement is allowed, but it's irrelevant right now so i don't need to fix it)

    class Ship {  
      PVector pos, vel;     // position and velocity
      int speed;            // constant speed
      float theta;          // angle of rotation
      float rotS;           // rotation speed
      float sight;          //sight distance
      float sightSpread;    //distance between eyes
      float radius;         //radius of the ship
      float col;            //color of the ship
      boolean stucked;
      Ship() {
        speed = 5;
        rotS = 5;
        theta = 0;          // must be initialized at 0°
        sight = 200;
        sightSpread = 30;
        radius = 50;
        col = 0;
        pos = new PVector(width/2, height/2);
        vel = new PVector();
        stucked = false;
      void run() {        //generic function container 
        println(vel.x +" "+vel.y);
      void move() {
        vel.x = speed*cos(theta);  //this modify vel.x and vel.y
        vel.y = speed*sin(theta);  //based ont the actual angle
        if (keys['w'] && stucked == false)   //move forward if next move won't stuck us
        if (keys['d'])              //rotate right
          theta += radians(rotS);
        if (keys['a'])              //rotate left 
          theta -= radians(rotS);
      void collision() {
        int touchedObs = 0;
        for (int i=0; i < obstacles.size(); i++) {                    //check obstacles array
          float minDist = (radius/2) + (obstacles.get(i).radius/2);   //calculate minimumdistance based on ship radius and obstacle radius
          PVector obsPos = obstacles.get(i).position.copy();          //get obs position
          PVector futurePos = PVector.add(pos, vel);                  //forecast yourfuture position
          float d = PVector.dist(futurePos, obsPos);                  //check if your movement will exceed minDist
          if (d < minDist) {     //keep track of "future" touched obj till the end of the array
            touchedObs ++;
        if (touchedObs > 0) {    //if we will touch something
          col = 255;             //change color to red
          stucked = true;        //get stucked
        } else {              
          col = 0;
          stucked = false;
      void display() {    
        pos.x=constrain(pos.x, 25, width-25);     // limit position vector to screen size
        pos.y=constrain(pos.y, 25, height-25);
        translate(pos.x, pos.y);               //translate origin to allow rotation
        stroke(0);                             //lines of sight, Player MUST face east if theta=0
        line(0, 0, sight, -sightSpread*2);     //leftmost eye
        line(0, 0, sight, -sightSpread);       //left eye
        line(0, 0, sight, 0);                  //central eye
        line(0, 0, sight, sightSpread);        //right eye
        line(0, 0, sight, sightSpread*2);      //rightmost eye
        fill(col, 0, 0);                              
        ellipse(0, 0, radius, radius);         //player body
  • now... onto the eye problem

  • Answer ✓

    for those of you interested in the solution, here's the final code, i solved it myself: move the ship with WAD (forward and rotation) obstacle collision (the ship will turn red if next move will collide with an obstacle) if you spawn inside an obstacle, movement that will increase distance will be allowed (so you can exit the obstacle but you cannot get inside). the ship has 6 lines of sight, all of them perceive both distance of the closest object and its color (lines change color based on detection), the 2 eyes just make a sum of the perceived colors and returns a summed color.

    Ship myShip;
    float obsNum;
    ArrayList<Obstacle> obstacles;
    boolean [] keys = new boolean[128];
    void setup() {
      size(600, 600); 
      myShip = new Ship();
      obsNum = 15;
      obstacles = new ArrayList<Obstacle>();
      for (int i = 0; i < obsNum; i++){
        obstacles.add(new Obstacle(random(width), random(height)));
    void draw() {
      colorMode(RGB, 255);
      for (int i = 0; i < obstacles.size(); i++){
        Obstacle o = obstacles.get(i);
    void keyPressed() {    //allows to move while rotate
      keys[key] = true;
    void keyReleased() {
      keys[key] = false;
    class Ship {  
      PVector pos, vel;     // position and velocity
      ArrayList<PVector> eyePos; 
      ArrayList<Float> eyeDist;
      ArrayList<Integer> eyeColor;
      int speed;            // constant speed
      float theta;          // angle of rotation
      float rotS;           // rotation speed
      float sight;          //sight distance
      float sightSpread;    //distance between eyes
      float radius;         //radius of the ship
      float col;            //color of the ship
      int eyesNum;          //number of eyes
      int leftEyeVision;
      int rightEyeVision;
      boolean stuck;
      boolean isIntersecting;
      Ship() {
        speed = 5;
        rotS = 2;
        theta = 0;          // must be initialized at 0°
        sight = 200;
        sightSpread = 30;
        radius = 50;
        col = 0;
        eyesNum = 6;
        leftEyeVision = 0;
        rightEyeVision = 0;
        pos = new PVector(width/2, height/2);
        vel = new PVector();
        eyePos = new ArrayList<PVector>();
        eyeDist = new ArrayList<Float>();
        eyeColor = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        for (int i = 0; i < eyesNum; i++) {
          eyePos.add(new PVector(random (width), random(height)));
        stuck = false;
      void run() {        //generic function container 
      void move() {
        vel.x = speed*cos(theta); //this modify vel.x and vel.y
        vel.y = speed*sin(theta); //based ont the actual angle
        if (keys['w'] && stuck == false)   //move forward if next move won't stuck us
        if (keys['s'] && stuck == false)  
        if (keys['d'])              //rotate right
          theta += radians(rotS); 
        if (keys['a'])              //rotate left 
          theta -= radians(rotS);
      void collision() {
        int touchedObs = 0; 
        for (int i=0; i < obstacles.size(); i++) {                    //check obstacles array
          float minDist = (radius/2) + (obstacles.get(i).radius/2); //calculate minimumdistance based on ship radius and obstacle radius
          PVector obsPos = obstacles.get(i).position.copy(); //get obs position
          PVector futurePos = PVector.add(pos, vel); //forecast your future position
          float futureDist = PVector.dist(futurePos, obsPos); //check if your movement will exceed minDist
          float actualDist = PVector.dist(pos, obsPos);
          if (futureDist < minDist && futureDist < actualDist) {     //keep track of "future" touched obj till the end of the array
            touchedObs ++;
        if (touchedObs > 0) {    //if we will touch something
          col = 255; //change color to red
          stuck = true; //get stucked
        } else {              
          col = 0; 
          stuck = false;
      void sight() {
        leftEyeVision = 0;
        rightEyeVision = 0;
        for (int i=0; i < eyePos.size(); i++) {
          float closestObs = sight;
          int obsColor = color(0);           
          for (int j=0; j < obstacles.size(); j++) {
            Obstacle o = obstacles.get(j); 
            float tempEyeDist = checkIntersection(pos.x, pos.y, eyePos.get(i).x, eyePos.get(i).y, 
              o.position.x, o.position.y, o.radius); 
            if (tempEyeDist < closestObs) {
              closestObs = tempEyeDist;
              obsColor = o.col;
        for (int l = 0; l < eyesNum/2; l++){
          leftEyeVision += eyeColor.get(l);
        for (int r = eyesNum/2; r < eyesNum; r++){
          rightEyeVision += eyeColor.get(r);
        println("Eye distance left to right:");
        println("Eye color detection left to right:");
        println("Left eye sum / right eye sum");
        println(leftEyeVision + " / " + rightEyeVision);
      float checkIntersection(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, 
        float cx, float cy, float cRad ) {
        float cr = cRad/2; //radius of the obstacle (not the diameter)
        float dx = x2 - x1; // xlength of the line
        float dy = y2 - y1; // ylength of the line
        float a = dx*dx + dy*dy; 
        float b = (dx*(x1 - cx) + (y1 - cy)*dy) * 2; 
        float c = cx*cx + cy*cy; 
        c += x1*x1 + y1*y1; 
        c -= (cx*x1 + cy*y1) * 2; 
        c -= cr*cr; 
        float delta = b*b - 4*a*c; 
        if (delta < 0) {              // Not intersecting
          isIntersecting = false; 
          return sight; //we're seeing full length
        } else {
          isIntersecting = true; 
          delta = sqrt(delta); 
          float mu = (b + delta) / (-2*a); 
          float ix2 = x1 + mu*dx; //coordinates of intersection
          float iy2 = y1 + mu*dy; 
          // Intersection points
    //      ellipse(ix2, iy2, 5, 5);    //display ellipse at intersection point
          float allign = dist(ix2, iy2, x2, y2);      //distance between intersection and eye farest point
          float dist = dist(pos.x, pos.y, ix2, iy2);  //distance between position and intersection
          if (dist < sight && allign < sight) return dist; //if the obstacle is nearest than sight and in front of us return distance
          else                               return sight;
      void display() {    
        pos.x=constrain(pos.x, 25, width-25); // limit position vector to screen size
        pos.y=constrain(pos.y, 25, height-25); 
        translate(pos.x, pos.y); //translate origin to allow rotation
        rotate(theta);           //lines of sight, Player MUST face east if theta=0
        line(0, 0, sight, -sightSpread*2.5); //leftmost eye
        eyePos.get(0).x = screenX(sight, -sightSpread*2.5); 
        eyePos.get(0).y = screenY(sight, -sightSpread*2.5); 
        line(0, 0, sight, -sightSpread*1.5); //left eye
        eyePos.get(1).x = screenX(sight, -sightSpread*1.5); 
        eyePos.get(1).y = screenY(sight, -sightSpread*1.5); 
        line(0, 0, sight, -sightSpread/2); //central left eye
        eyePos.get(2).x = screenX(sight, -sightSpread/2); 
        eyePos.get(2).y = screenY(sight, -sightSpread/2); 
        line(0, 0, sight, sightSpread/2); //central right eye
        eyePos.get(3).x = screenX(sight, sightSpread/2); 
        eyePos.get(3).y = screenY(sight, sightSpread/2); 
        line(0, 0, sight, sightSpread*1.5); //right eye
        eyePos.get(4).x = screenX(sight, sightSpread*1.5); 
        eyePos.get(4).y = screenY(sight, sightSpread*1.5); 
        line(0, 0, sight, sightSpread*2.5); //rightmost eye
        eyePos.get(5).x = screenX(sight, sightSpread*2.5); 
        eyePos.get(5).y = screenY(sight, sightSpread*2.5); 
        fill(col, 0, 0); 
        ellipse(0, 0, radius, radius); //player body
        ellipse(radius/4, -radius/5, radius/4, radius/4);
        ellipse(radius/4, radius/5, radius/4, radius/4);
    class Obstacle{
      PVector position;
      float radius;
      color col;
      Obstacle(float x,float y){
       radius = random(20, 50);
       position= new PVector(x,y);
       col = color(random(255), random(255), random(255));
      void display(){
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