Hardware io not working properly.

Hello, I have been attempting to use Processing 3.3.6 for arm on my Raspberry pi 3, specifically the digital io as I do not have the hardware currently to test the other functions. All I want to do is turn on and off an Led. I started with the example as it was all I was wishing to do and the led stayed lit, not changing with the commanded output. upon attempting to update both the PI which is running the most up to date version of rasbian and processing, I found that (GPIO 7) was controlling ( GPIO 22) and it was the only pin that would work. This is also a brand new pi so I am hoping it isn't a hardware issue. I could use some help as this is real frustrating.



  • @Matt_Hosk Are you by chance mixing up pin numbers with GPIO numbers?

    See https://pinout.xyz/ - the GPIO numbers are the ones next to "BCM". So "BCM 4" would be pinMode(4, GPIO.OUTPUT).

    Let us know if this fixed your problem?

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