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I have recently installed the Shapes3D library and I'm so much enjoying it :) I'm wondering how to draw 3D objects on a PGraphics object not directly on the screen. In the following code, I want to draw the box object on 'canvas'. Please teach me how to do it. Thanks!
import shapes3d.*;
Box box;
PGraphics canvas;
public void setup() {
size(720, 720, P3D);
box = new Box(this, 60, 60, 100);
box.fill(color(32, 32, 200));
box.stroke(color(200, 200, 200));
box.moveTo(0, 0, 0);
box.tag = "box";
canvas = createGraphics(720, 720, P3D);
public void draw() {
box.rotateBy(radians(4.0f), radians(4.0f), radians(4.0f));
camera(0, -190, 350, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
box.draw(); // How to make this drawn onto the 'canvas' object?
@quark is the one to ask, but I think that Shapes3D targets a PApplet, and that draw methods like box.draw() all draw on the canvas of that applet.
https://sourceforge.net/p/shapes3d/code/ci/master/tree/Shapes 3D/src/shapes3d/Box.java#l132
https://sourceforge.net/p/shapes3d/code/ci/master/tree/Shapes 3D/src/shapes3d/Box.java#l569
@jeremeydouglas is correct that a Shape3D shape is associated to a PApplet object when it is created so in the line
box = new Box(this, 60, 60, 100);
box is associated with the PApplet object
which is the main sketch window where the box is too be drawn.Having said that I tried it anyway. I had limited success because I couldn't get the box in the middle of the PGraphics. I don't recommend doing this , it is an experiment, it is a hack and the results cannot be guaranteed.
import shapes3d.*;
BTW you don't need to use push/popStyle and push/popMatrix to isolate changes made when drawing the box (or any other Shapes3D shape) since Shapes3D does it for you.
Thanks @quark and @jeremydouglas!
So, there's no official way to draw Shapes3D objects on a PGraphics object. Right? Hm... too bad :(
Why do you want to draw them to a PGraphics object? There maybe an alternative way to achieve the same thing.
Hi @quark,
I'm making an application which is supposed to have multiple layers (PGraphics). Some of them must have 3D presentation while others are just for 2D primitives.
In this case, is there a good way you recommend me to use?
Unfortunately I can't see a simple alternative without making changes to the Shapes3D library and I would need to do some investigation how much work would be involved, so no promises. If you are still interested you could post it as a feature request ticket on Sourceforge.
Here is a little trick for doing what you want. However, there could be possible side-effects that are hard to track down.
I've seen
PGraphics pg; pg.beginDraw()
, but that is a novel way of creating a top-level "beginDraw" -- I wasn't even aware that PGraphics swapping could be done with the main sketch canvas. (Edited once I took a closer look at what was going on)Wow! Thanks @T_D! It's really cool and looks sufficient to be used as a temporary solution. Maybe later, as @quark suggested, I may need to post a feature request.
Thank you all!