MESA-LOADER error on p3d sketch on PI (2d works fine)(

edited October 2017 in Raspberry PI

Raspberry Pi 3B / Processing 3.3.6 ARM version

the probem I'm having is that I get this MESA-LOADER failed when trying to run a p3d sketch.. It works on one of my other PI's howerver two other PI's get the same failure. It seems as if there was a package I installed on the other machine that makes it work.. any ideas what I am missing on my other installs?

error I get from Processing..

  40 S1948 E1947 fmul t1948, t1923, t1947
 40 S1934 E1925 fmul t1934, t1925, t1931
 40 S1933 E1924 fmul t1933, t1924, t1931
 40 S1932 E1923, E1931 fmul t1932, t1923, t1931
 39             fsub.sf null, 0, u333
 39 S1891       mov t1891, 0
 40             mov.ns t1891, -1
 40             fsub.sf null, 0, u334
 40 S1894       mov t1894, 0
 41             mov.ns t1894, -1
 41 S1899 E1891, E1894 or t1899, t1891, t1894
 40             fsub.sf null, 0, u335
 40 S1897       mov t1897, 0
 41             mov.ns t1897, -1
 41 S1900 E1897, E1899 or t1900, t1899, t1897
 40 S1884       fmul t1884, u336, t1842
 41 S1887 E1884 fadd t1887, t1664, t1884
 41 S1902 E1664 mov t1902, t1664
 41 S1901 E1900 and.sf t1901, t1800, t1900
 41       E1887 mov.ns t1902, t1887
 40 S1885       fmul t1885, u337, t1842
 41 S1888 E1885 fadd t1888, t1666, t1885
 41 S1904 E1666 mov t1904, t1666
 41             mov.sf null, t136
 41 S  12 E1902 mov.zs t12, t1902
 41             mov.sf null, t1901
 41       E1888 mov.ns t1904, t1888
 40             mov.sf null, t136
 40 S  13 E1904 mov.zs t13, t1904
 40       E1901 mov.sf null, t1901
 39 S1886 E1842 fmul t1886, u338, t1842
 39 S1889 E1886 fadd t1889, t1668, t1886
 39 S1906 E1668 mov t1906, t1668
 39       E1889 mov.ns t1906, t1889
 38             mov.sf null, t136
 38 S  14 E1906 mov.zs t14, t1906
 38             fsub.sf null, 0, u339
 38 S1909       mov t1909, 0
 39             mov.ns t1909, -1
 39             fsub.sf null, 0, u340
 39 S1912       mov t1912, 0
 40             mov.ns t1912, -1
 40 S1917 E1909, E1912 or t1917, t1909, t1912
 39             fsub.sf null, 0, u341
 39 S1915       mov t1915, 0
 40             mov.ns t1915, -1
 40 S1918 E1915, E1917 or t1918, t1917, t1915
 39 S1935 E1932 fadd t1935, t1700, t1932
 39 S1938 E1700 mov t1938, t1700
 39 S1919 E1918 and t1919, t1800, t1918
 39             mov.sf null, t1919
 39       E1935 mov.ns t1938, t1935
 38 S1936 E1933 fadd t1936, t1702, t1933
 38 S1940 E1702 mov t1940, t1702
 38             mov.sf null, t136
 38 S  15 E1938 mov.zs t15, t1938
 38             mov.sf null, t1919
 38       E1936 mov.ns t1940, t1936
 37 S1937 E1934 fadd t1937, t1704, t1934
 37 S1942 E1704 mov t1942, t1704
 37             mov.sf null, t136
 37 S  16 E1940 mov.zs t16, t1940
 37             mov.sf null, t1919
 37       E1937 mov.ns t1942, t1937
 36 S1951 E1948 fadd t1951, t1716, t1948
 36 S1954 E1716 mov t1954, t1716
 36             mov.sf null, t136
 36 S  17 E1942 mov.zs t17, t1942
 36             mov.sf null, t1919
 36       E1951 mov.ns t1954, t1951
 35 S1952 E1949 fadd t1952, t1718, t1949
 35 S1956 E1718 mov t1956, t1718
 35             mov.sf null, t136
 35 S  18 E1954 mov.zs t18, t1954
 35             mov.sf null, t1919
 35       E1952 mov.ns t1956, t1952
 34             mov.sf null, t136
 34 S  19 E1956 mov.zs t19, t1956
 34       E1919 mov.sf null, t1919
 33 S1953 E1950 fadd t1953, t1720, t1950
 33 S1958 E1720 mov t1958, t1720
 33       E1953 mov.ns t1958, t1953
 32             mov.sf null, t136
 32 S  20 E1958 mov.zs t20, t1958
 32             fsub.sf null, 0, u342
 32 S1961       mov t1961, 0
 33             mov.ns t1961, -1
 33             fsub.sf null, 0, u343
 33 S1964       mov t1964, 0
 34             mov.ns t1964, -1
 34 S1969 E1961, E1964 or t1969, t1961, t1964
 33             fsub.sf null, 0, u344
 33 S1967       mov t1967, 0
 34             mov.ns t1967, -1
 34 S1970 E1967, E1969 or t1970, t1969, t1967
 33 S1971 E1800, E1970 and t1971, t1800, t1970
 32 S2007 E2004 fadd t2007, t1772, t2004
 32 S2010 E1772 mov t2010, t1772
 32             mov.sf null, t1971
 32       E2007 mov.ns t2010, t2007
 31 S2008 E2005 fadd t2008, t1774, t2005
 31 S2012 E1774 mov t2012, t1774
 31             mov.sf null, t136
 31 S  21 E2010 mov.zs t21, t2010
 31             mov.sf null, t1971
 31       E2008 mov.ns t2012, t2008
 30 S2009 E2006 fadd t2009, t1776, t2006
 30 S2014 E1776 mov t2014, t1776
 30             mov.sf null, t136
 30 S  22 E2012 mov.zs t22, t2012
 30             mov.sf null, t1971
 30       E2009 mov.ns t2014, t2009
 29 S2026 E2023 fadd t2026, t1791, t2023
 29 S2029 E1791 mov t2029, t1791
 29             mov.sf null, t136
 29 S  23 E2014 mov.zs t23, t2014
 29             mov.sf null, t1971
 29       E2026 mov.ns t2029, t2026
 28 S2027 E2024 fadd t2027, t1793, t2024
 28 S2031 E1793 mov t2031, t1793
 28             mov.sf null, t136
 28 S  24 E2029 mov.zs t24, t2029
 28             mov.sf null, t1971
 28       E2027 mov.ns t2031, t2027
 27             mov.sf null, t136
 27 S  25 E2031 mov.zs t25, t2031
 27       E1971 mov.sf null, t1971
 26 S2028 E2025 fadd t2028, t1795, t2025
 26 S2033 E1795 mov t2033, t1795
 26       E2028 mov.ns t2033, t2028
 25             mov.sf null, t136
 25 S  26 E2033 mov.zs t26, t2033
 25             mov.zs t136, 2
 25             sub.sf null, t136, 2
 25             branch.all_zs 
-> BLOCK 2, 3
 25             sub.sf null, t136, 3
 25             mov.zs t136, 0
 25       E 136 mov.sf null, t136
 24             mov.zs t14, 0
 24             mov.zs t13, t14
 24             mov.zs t12, t13
 24             mov.zs t17, t12
 24             mov.zs t16, t17
 24             mov.zs t15, t16
 24             mov.zs t23, t15
 24             mov.zs t22, t23
 24             mov.zs t21, t22
 24             mov.zs t20, t21
 24             mov.zs t19, t20
 24             mov.zs t18, t19
 24             mov.zs t26, t18
 24             mov.zs t25, t26
 24             mov.zs t24, t25
-> BLOCK 2
 24 S2111       load_imm t2111, 0x00000568 (0.000000)
 25       E2111 uniforms_reset null, t2111, u345
 24 S2063 E  23 fmul t2063, t23, t9.8c
 24 S2062 E  22 fmul t2062, t22, t9.8b
 24 S2061 E  21 fmul t2061, t21, t9.8a
 24 S2078 E  26 fmul t2078, t26, t9.8c
 24 S2077 E  25 fmul t2077, t25, t9.8b
 24 S2076 E   9, E  24 fmul t2076, t24, t9.8a
 23 S2070 E  18 fmul t2070, t18, t4.8a
 23 S2055 E  15 fmul t2055, t15, t4.8a
 23 S2071 E  19 fmul t2071, t19, t4.8b
 23 S2056 E  16 fmul t2056, t16, t4.8b
 23 S2072 E  20 fmul t2072, t20, t4.8c
 23 S2057 E   4, E  17 fmul t2057, t17, t4.8c
 22 S2052 E  12 fmul t2052, t12, t8.8a
 22 S2053 E  13 fmul t2053, t13, t8.8b
 22 S2054 E   8, E  14 fmul t2054, t14, t8.8c
 21 S2060 E2057 fadd t2060, t2054, t2057
 21 S2075 E2054, E2072 fadd t2075, t2054, t2072
 20 S2059 E2056 fadd t2059, t2053, t2056
 20 S2074 E2053, E2071 fadd t2074, t2053, t2071
 19 S2058 E2055 fadd t2058, t2052, t2055
 19 S2073 E2052, E2070 fadd t2073, t2052, t2070
 18 S2079 E2073, E2076 fadd t2079, t2073, t2076
 17 S2080 E2074, E2077 fadd t2080, t2074, t2077
 16 S2081 E2075, E2078 fadd t2081, t2075, t2078
 15 S2064 E2058, E2061 fadd t2064, t2058, t2061
 14 S2065 E2059, E2062 fadd t2065, t2059, t2062
 13 S2066 E2060, E2063 fadd t2066, t2060, t2063
 12 S2069 E2066 fadd t2069, t2066, t10.8c
 12 S2068 E2065 fadd t2068, t2065, t10.8b
 12 S2067 E2064 fadd t2067, t2064, t10.8a
 12 S2098       rcp t2098, t82
 13 S2084 E2081 fadd t2084, t2081, t10.8c
 13 S2083 E2080 fadd t2083, t2080, t10.8b
 13 S2082 E  10, E2079 fadd t2082, t2079, t10.8a
 12 S2099 E  82 fmul t2099, t82, t2098
 12 S2100 E2099 fsub t2100, 2.000000, t2099
 12 S2101 E2098, E2100 fmul t2101, t2098, t2100
 11 S2103 E  79 fmul t2103, t79, u346
 11 S2105 E  80 fmul t2105, t80, u347
 11 S2106 E2105 fmul t2106, t2105, t2101
 11 S2104 E2103 fmul t2104, t2103, t2101
 11 S2102 E2104 ftoi t2102.16a, t2104
 11       E2106 ftoi t2102.16b, t2106
 10       E2102 mov vpm, t2102
  9 S2107 E  81 fmul t2107, t81, u348
  9 S2108 E2107 fmul t2108, t2107, t2101
  9 S2109 E2108 fadd t2109, t2108, u349
  9       E2109 mov vpm, t2109
  8       E2101 mov vpm, t2101
  7       E2082 mov vpm, t2082
  6       E2083 mov vpm, t2083
  5       E2084 mov vpm, t2084
  4             mov vpm, t50
  4       E2067 mov vpm, t2067
  3       E2068 mov vpm, t2068
  2       E2069 mov vpm, t2069
  1       E  50 mov vpm, t50
X11Util.Display: Shutdown (JVM shutdown: true, open (no close attempt): 2/2, reusable (open, marked uncloseable): 0, pending (open in creation order): 2)
X11Util: Open X11 Display Connections: 2
X11Util: Open[0]: NamedX11Display[:0.0, 0x652027b0, refCount 1, unCloseable false]
X11Util: Open[1]: NamedX11Display[:0.0, 0x65210e58, refCount 1, unCloseable false]


  • Hi @pjkarlik,

    This is a known issue when using the 3D renderer or Processing with recent versions of Raspbian and selecting the Mesa-based GL driver. The reason for this is that Processing's default shader program is too complex for the limited number of registers that the graphics processor has, and the shader compiler is unable to make it work given those constraints. The developer of the driver is aware of this problem, and we hope that this will improve in future Raspbian versions. There is also Processing issue #5223 where we're looking for ways to work around this problem ourselves.

    For now, you might want to revert back to the "legacy" driver by running sudo raspi-config and selecting it under Advanced Options. Or, download and use our image file here, which has this all correctly set up:

  • edited October 2017

    Ok I just found this odd as on another Pi 3B v1.2 that it worked fine both windowed and fullScreen.. So when trying to set up another PI in the same way - this error started... Scratches head??

    But at least I know im not crazy, I now need to figure out how i got it to work..!?

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