OscP5 Error message

edited October 2013 in Library Questions


I'm trying to send out a packet of data using OscP5 from processing to max/msp. I'm not sure why I'm getting this error message: ### [2013/10/9 16:43:30] ERROR @ UdpClient.send ioexception while sending packet.

It happens when I try to fill up an OscMessage (myMessage). I think it may have to do with the buffer size in the Osc object in Max. Here is the where I'm filling up myMessage:

for (int i = 0; i < no_vehicles; i++){
     myPVectorlist.add(new PVector(vehicles.get(i).location.x,vehicles.get(i).location.y)); 
       V[i] = (PVector) myPVectorlist.get(i); 
    for (int b = 1; b < columns+1; b++) {
     for (int c = 1; c < rows+1; c++) {
         if ((V[i].x > (b-1)*width/div) && (V[i].x < b*width/div) && (V[i].y > (c-1)*height/div) && (V[i].y < c*height/div)){  
            speak_arr[i][b][c] = pan_calc_11(V[i], center_1_1, max_dist);  
         } else{ 
               speak_arr[i][b][c] = 0.;    

(V[i].x and V[i].y just contain coordinate information) and speak_arr[][][] is just holds float values.

Here's how I had declared myMessage previously:

OscMessage myMessage = new OscMessage ("panning coefficients for agent 0"); 

My output is erratic as some of the data I'm trying to transmit to max goes through and other times I get this error message that stalls the program.

Any help would be awesome - as always, sorry for my ineptitude.



  • Hi, you have three nested loops adding data to the message. Is maybe the message too heavy? The amount of data it can contain is limited.

    I would also rename the message as /panningCoeffAgent0. Spaces might cause trouble.

  • I agree with hamoid.

    Try that points:

    • 'speak_arr' is a array, so start with index 0 to save data: speak_arr[i][b-1][c-1]
    • create a new 'OscMessage' with an short address pattern '/theName'
    • try to use bundles to send packages: example
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