Google Play Services in Processing

edited October 2017 in Android Mode

Hey guys,

After hours and hours of trying to import the "google play services" library I now honestly require your assistance.

Initially i just wanted to add ads to my sketch and therefore download the "Google Mobile Ads SDK". Sadly the SDK is now part of the "Google play services platform". I think I tried every suggesteion I could find. The last thing I did was to convert the .aar at


to a zip file to extract the classes.jar file and placed this file in the processing library folder.

Importing "" just wont work.

Edit: more hours have passed and i got a little bit further, yet though the problem just seems bigger. import does work by now since i have extracted the .jar file for play-services-ads-lite but calling MobileAds.initialize(this, "YOUR_ADMOB_APP_ID") gives me this error:


I already tried MultiDex.install(this) in my sketch but it does not work. Any suggestions?

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