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Hi all,
Please help me with the following problem:
I have watched the video from Daniel Shiffman on youtube - and as he is explaining in the video I have downloaded ''Brackets'' and tried to write the code that he is showing which is:
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
function draw() { background(0); ellipse(200, 200, 50, 50); } I did absolutely the same code as Daniel did in the video, however when he runs the code it is opening in Chrome and it is black background with white circle in the middle, when I run it, it's blank white screen with no background or shapes. I would really appreciate your help, as I have just started learning. Thanks
Where I can find the solution ?
thank you for trying to help but my question is why I can see only blank white background and he can see black screen and white shape in the middle and I am typing the same code from the video.
Why don't you host your code on https://OpenProcessing.org/sketch/create so we can all run it? :-@
Also, special attention should go into the "index.html" file, since it's the 1st file to run and kickstarts all of the others! L-)
The code worked on the openprocessing.org only in Brackets it seems that is not working. I think it's the index thing that you have mentioned, however I have just started learning so I will try and find how to fix it ! Thank you !!!!
Use the "index.html" files from my https://Bl.ocks.org/GoSubRoutine projects as templates for your own "index.html".
IDEs like Brackets, Atom, etc. are generic, not specific for p5.js as https://OpenProcessing.org, http://p5js.SketchPad.cc, etc. were made to be. :-@
Rather than that not-so-fully complete Brackets tutorial, watch this 1: *-:)

p5.js on their website have changed, so I've downloaded other file to use and also before running the code I have to save it (ctrl +s) and it is working. Thanks