Android SDK Failed to load

I installed Processing 3.3.5 and Android Mode v4 (Final release) with Android API 26. It says that Android mode will be disabled because Android SDK was found but there are some missing files, same thing happens with Android API 25.


  • Do you have an SDK already installed in the system, and whose path is in the ANDROID_SDK environmental variable?

    Did you try letting the mode to download and install a separate SDK?

  • edited September 2017

    SDK already installed (api 26) and ANDROID_SDK envirommental variable is also defined and the latest AndroidMode is installed manually. Even when processing downloads a seperate sdk the same thing happens, it says that android sdk is found and there might be some missing files.

  • @amidgeha===

    no more details about those "missing files"???

  • edited September 2017

    The error dialog does not say which are the missing files (an easy enhancement for the next version). It is odd that even downloading the SDK through the mode results in this error, since it should download all required files.

    What you need is:

    • Android platform /platforms/android-26
    • SDK platform tools /platform-tools
    • SDK build tools /build-tools
    • SDK tools /tools
    • Android Support Repository /extras/android
    • Google repository /extras/google
  • If I just copy the AndroidMode 256 all will be working fine for the same api 26

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