createCapture(VIDEO) on iPhone

edited August 2017 in p5.js

Hi there, I'm playing a bit with P5.js and it's really exciting.

My question is : i have a project (in P5.js) using createCapture() which works great on GoogleChrome desktop (at least on my laptop), works great on GoogleChrome for Android too, but seems to NOT work on GoogleChrome for iOS... (i just get a blank screen instead of my fullscreen video preview)

Any advices about that? Is that a known behaviour or may i do something wrong ... ?



  • I might be wrong, but do not think that Apple allows you to access the camera through browsers on iOS.

  • Answer ✓

    Hi Andreas_Ref,

    Thanks a lot for your answer. I talked about this to Kyle McDonald, and he told me getUserMedia (the API behind camera access) is not support on iOS 10, but it is supported on iOS 11:

    which should be released some time next month.

    Pretty good news for further developments ;)

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