Saving an array as a file

I have an array, called "saved", that is a collection of index numbers of objects, called "instruments". I also have a "Save" button; when pressed the "Save" button calls the Saves() function, which stores the index numbers of some objects (instruments) and stores the numbers.

What I am trying to do is then take that array and save it as a file, like json or txt file, that I can load at a later date and then use the numbers stored in the array. I have tried using saveJSON() and saveText, as well as some others, but I cannot get it to work. So how do I save an array as a type of file that I can load at a later time. Below is my code:

var saved = [];

function setup(){
  createCanvas(950, 700);
  var saver = createButton("Save");
  saver.size(width / 11, width / 11);
  saver.position(instruments[0].x - (instruments[0].r * 4), instruments[223].y + (instruments[0].r / 2));

    function Saves() {
  for (var i = 0; i < instruments.length; i++) {
    if (instruments[i].active === true) {
      append(saved, i);


  • using split gives me the error "29131: Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function"

    function Saves() {
      for (var i = 0; i < instruments.length; i++) {
        if (instruments[i].active === true) {
          append(saved, i);
          var list = split(saved, ' ');
          saveStrings(list, 'saved.txt');
  • edited August 2017

    Function split() is for turning a regular string in an array. However, variable saved is already an array! 8-X

  • edited August 2017

    Ok I have this below, which saves a text file and gives me no errors, but when I check the text file it only reads "�w^~)�"

    I also get this same result if I try to save it as json. Any ideas what's going on here?

        function Saves() {
          for (var i = 0; i < instruments.length; i++) {
            if (instruments[i].active === true) {
              append(saved, i);
              saveStrings(saved, 'saved.txt');
  • Please, host your sketch at
    This way we can check your sketch more easily.


    I can't get it to work on this site though

  • edited August 2017 Answer ✓

    You need to remove the subfolder from the path of your ".wav" files.
    Instead of var files = ["files/PianoHiC.wav"];, just var files = ["PianoHiC.wav"];.

  • edited August 2017

    Ok there, my working sketch is up. the text file looks different when it's saved here, but it still doesn't contain the array data.

  • edited August 2017 Answer ✓
    • You've got saveStrings() inside a loop! :-&
    • So instead of saving once, it saves how many instruments[] are active! @-)
    • And a tip: In JS, functions follow the lowerCaseNaming convention.
    • So your callback function should be renamed from Save() to save(). :-B
    • Here's my proposal for your save(): B-)

    const FILENAME = 'indices.txt',
          LAMBDA = (acc, elem, idx) => ( && acc.push(idx), acc);
    function saves() {
      saveStrings(instruments.reduce(LAMBDA, []), FILENAME);
  • edited August 2017

    Ok so maybe it's the P5js Editor I'm using. I added a separate function to export my saved array and in my P5js editor is still gives me a text file that only reads: "�w^~)�"

    But when I changed the code in the openprocessing web editor, it saved a text file with the array and basically works perfectly.

    Any ideas what this weird text "�w^~)�" means?

    So I added a button, which calls the Export() function now:

        function Saves() {
          for (var i = 0; i < instruments.length; i++) {
            if (instruments[i].active === true) {
              append(saved, i);
        function Export() {
          saveStrings(saved, 'saved.txt');
  • Answer ✓

    I wrote another simple sketch and it also has the same problem.

    "use string";
    const FILENAME = 'coordinates.txt', coords = [];
    function setup() {
      createCanvas(600, 400);
    function draw() {
      fill('red').rect(0, 0, width>>1, height);
      fill('blue').rect(width>>1, 0, width, height);
    function mouseClicked(){
      if (mouseX > width>>1) {
        append(coords, mouseX);
        saveStrings(coords, FILENAME);
  • Yes that doesn't work in my P5js Editor. Same issue just produces a text document with "�w^~)�"

  • Answer ✓

    Ok so maybe it's the P5js Editor I'm using. Yes that doesn't work in my P5js Editor.

  • Thank you! I had no idea I could just use my processing editor. That is fantastic! Thanks for all the help!

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