Make sure you can access each cam individually before trying all three at the same time. Then Try two at the time. Also please post the code you have so far. Show your approach.
Please describe the problem you are having currently. Do you get an error? You get nothing? Also try implementing the algorithm as described in the link from earlier post as they were tested. Before try to work with brightness calculations, just focus in displaying the images in the canvas. Remove code that is not needed for this part of the troubleshooting. Can we assume the cameras work if run one by one by themselves?
Check more towards the end but most of the post is informative:
thanks! but still doesent work with 3 webcams
Make sure you can access each cam individually before trying all three at the same time. Then Try two at the time. Also please post the code you have so far. Show your approach.
this is the code, its a video sinthetizer trying to bea replica of the paik-abe sinthethizer
Please describe the problem you are having currently. Do you get an error? You get nothing? Also try implementing the algorithm as described in the link from earlier post as they were tested. Before try to work with brightness calculations, just focus in displaying the images in the canvas. Remove code that is not needed for this part of the troubleshooting. Can we assume the cameras work if run one by one by themselves?
There's an obvious error in line 90
Lines 62 and 64 are confusing. And 67.
Outer loop should be y and height, inner loop should be x and width. Index is x + (y * width). Yours might be equivalent but the above is clearer.
Line 108 is nonsense. You don't need a loop.
why are you mapping mouseY with width?
cam2.width but cam1.height? you will have no end of problems if the cameras are different sizes.