I need help with p5.collide2d

I am working on a modified fencing game called "Project HTML". One of the gametypes is called, "Collect The Circle", but it has a problem. When I tap on the yellow circle with the sword, it is suppose to give me one point, and move to a random location, but all it does is it turns red. and doesn't give me a point or move. The player is suppose to only turn red, stop moving for 3 seconds, and not give ANY points to the player who stabbed the enemy, (which works correctly) so, the yellow circle pretty much has player abilities, and I don't know how to fix that.

Here's the code to the game:

var p1, p2, p3;

var p1controls = [87,68,83,65,69] //up,right,down,left,HIT (WDSAE)

var p2controls = [73,76,75,74,85] //up,right,down,left,HIT (ILKJU)

function setup() {


p1 = new playerObj('maroon', 50, 3, p1controls)
p2 = new playerObj('blue', 50, 3, p2controls)
p3 = new circleObj('yellow', 25, 3)


function draw(){ background(255);

//draw and collide the players


function playerObj(color, sz, speed, controls){ this.x = random(width) this.y = random(height) this.linex; this.liney; this.speed = speed; this.swordSpeed = 0.05 this.color = color; this.saveColor = color; this.d = sz; this.angle = 0; this.scalar = sz + 20; this.hit = false; this.hit2 = false; this.score = 0; this.gate = false; this.overlap = false;

this.disp = function(){
        //move the player
        if( keyIsDown( controls[0] )){
            this.y -= this.speed
        if( keyIsDown( controls[1] )){
            // right
            this.x += this.speed
        if( keyIsDown( controls[2] )){
            this.y += this.speed
        if( keyIsDown( controls[3] )){
        this.x -= this.speed
        if( keyIsDown( controls[4] )){
            this.angle += this.swordSpeed ;

    //loop around the edges
    if(this.x < 0){
        this.x = width;
    if(this.x > width){
        this.x = 0;
    if(this.y < 0){
        this.y = height;
    if (this.y > height){
        this.y = 0;
    //draw the sword
    this.linex = this.x + cos(this.angle) * this.scalar;
    this.liney = this.y + sin(this.angle) * this.scalar;

    //draw the player

    //draw the score

this.collide = function(enemy){

    this.overlap = collideCircleCircle(this.x,this.y,this.d,enemy.x,enemy.y,enemy.d) // are we overlapping with the enemy?
    this.hit = collideLineCircle(this.x, this.y, this.linex, this.liney, enemy.x, enemy.y, enemy.d); //sword hitting the other player?
    this.hit2 = collideLineCircle(this.x,this.y,this.d,enemy.x,enemy.y,enemy.d) // are we hitting the yellow circle?

    if(this.overlap == false){ // prevent from scoreing id overlapped
        if(this.gate == false){ //debounce madness so only one point/hit gets added
            if(this.hit == true){
                enemy.speed = 0;
                enemy.speed = 2;
                this.gate = true;

                if(this.hit2 == true){
                enemy.x = random(width)
                enemy.y = random(height)
                enemy.color = 'white';
                enemy.color = color;
                this.gate = true;


                //quickly change the enemy's color to red for 100ms
                enemy.color = 'red'
                    enemy.color = enemy.saveColor;


    if(this.hit == false){
        this.gate = false;
if(this.score == 3){
    alert("GAME OVER!!!");

} } // close playerObj

function circleObj(color, sz, speed){ this.x = random(width) this.y = random(height) this.linex; this.liney; this.speed = speed; this.swordSpeed = 0.05 this.color = color; this.saveColor = color; this.d = sz; this.angle = 0; this.scalar = sz + 20; this.hit = false; this.score = 0; this.gate = false; this.overlap = false;

this.disp = function(){

    //loop around the edges
    if(this.x < 0){
        this.x = width;
    if(this.x > width){
        this.x = 0;
    if(this.y < 0){
        this.y = height;
    if (this.y > height){
        this.y = 0;

    //draw the player


this.collide = function(enemy){

    this.overlap = collideCircleCircle(this.x,this.y,this.d,enemy.x,enemy.y,enemy.d) // are we overlapping with the enemy?
    this.hit = collideCircleCircle(this.x, this.y, this.linex, this.liney, enemy.x, enemy.y, enemy.d); //sword hitting the other player?

    if(this.overlap == false){ // prevent from scoreing id overlapped
        if(this.gate == false){ //debounce madness so only one point/hit gets added
            if(this.hit == true){
                enemy.gate = true;


    if(this.hit == false){
        this.gate = false;

} } // close circleObj

(Also, I noticed the yellow circle is a player object called "P3". i have tried making it a different object, but from what I remember, it only made the game worse.)

Thank you. Have a great 4th of July!



  • ok, so I changed "P3" to "cir", and updated everything that had to do with "p3" to "cir". and now everything is red...

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