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Hi, I need to communicate with Arduino over TCP/IP. I use ENC28J60 Ethernet shield with Ethercard library. Arduiono is server (like HTTP) and PC is client. If I use telnet or netcat, communication is OK. Wireshark output looks good too.
Problem is with my GUI application written in processing. Program connect to Arduino after start automatically. When I click on send button nothing will happen. But when I close application, data send to Arduino immediately. If I add client.stop() after sending data to Arduino, Arduino receive data immediately. But with stop() I can't read data from Arduino.
In Arduino I confirm received data to PC by TCP_ACK. After that I send my data (now only "HelloWorld\r\n") and TCP_ACK, TCP_FIN.
Is it possible to manually send TCP_PUSH from processing to Arduino?
Can you please help where I have an error and how can I fix it? Thank you!
Here is my code: pastebin.com/J9aTfJGe