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Hi, I am working on a weather station with Arduino. Up till now my Arduino Uno is via USB connected with my computer. It is working fine with the Firmata software on the Arduino. But I want to connect the Arduino over Wlan, because I cannot use a cable from my garden to my house! From the Arduino site everything is solved. I can connect with the arduino over a telnet process "telnet address port". When I send a character I get a string with the light intensity, temperature and air pressure. But if I try it from Processing with the source:
import hypermedia.net.*;
import hypermedia.net.*;
UDP udp; // define the UDP object
void setup() {
udp = new UDP( this, 6000 ); // create a new datagram connection on port 8888
udp.log( true ); // <-- printout the connection activity
udp.listen( true ); // and wait for incoming message
void draw()
void keyPressed() {
String ip = ""; // the remote IP address
int port = 8888; // the destination port
println("s gesendet an . " + ip + ":" + port);
udp.send("s\n", ip, port ); // the message to send
void receive( byte[] data ) { // <-- default handler
//void receive( byte[] data, String ip, int port ) { // <-- extended handler
for(int i=0; i < data.length; i++)
After I pressed a key the message is sent:
UPD session started
bound socket to host:null, port:6000
sent packet -> address:, port:8888 length:2
But I do not get any response. The Arduino does not get any character, because a LED would show that something arrived. When I stop the Processing program I get a message:
close socket < port:6000 address:null
I am wondering about the host and the address "null". What is wrong on my program?
Moved topic & reformatted code: see sticky post To newcomers in this forum: read attentively these instructions
it work correctly
try with arduino example and modify the line
My Arduino program works fine, but my Processing program has difficulties. with a telnet session i send a keystroke and the Arduino program answers with the right information, but when I send a signal from the Processing program I get no response. So I think the problem is in the Processing program and not in the Arduino site!
hi vdhart, i dont know your setup and that udp library, but i'm pretty sure that telnet uses a tcp connection. so if your arduino responds to the telnet command i guess it is listening for a tcp connection, so i don't think the library will work with the arduino.
you could try the processing tcp client.
I solved the problem. I do not use UDP anymore, but a server client communication and it works fine!