Your example is wrong :)
Step to convert from decimal degree to sexagesimal degree:
1) The integer part of decimal of degrees will remain the same.
(i.e. 43.324 start with 43°)
2) Multiply the decimal by 60.
(i.e. 0.324 * 60 = 19.44)
The integer part becomes the minutes (i.e. 19').
3) Take the remaining decimal and multiply by 60.
(i.e. 0.44 * 60 = 26.4)
The resulting number becomes the seconds (i.e. 26.4").
Seconds can remain as a decimal.
Solution: 43.324 --> 43° 19' 26.4"
Now you must format the output to get 043° 19' 26.4"
Your example is wrong :)
Step to convert from decimal degree to sexagesimal degree:
1) The integer part of decimal of degrees will remain the same.
(i.e. 43.324 start with 43°)
2) Multiply the decimal by 60.
(i.e. 0.324 * 60 = 19.44)
The integer part becomes the minutes (i.e. 19').
3) Take the remaining decimal and multiply by 60. (i.e. 0.44 * 60 = 26.4)
The resulting number becomes the seconds (i.e. 26.4"). Seconds can remain as a decimal.
Solution: 43.324 --> 43° 19' 26.4"
Now you must format the output to get
043° 19' 26.4"
I'm sorry cameyo, but how to write this sysntax in processing ? I'm new in Processing
Regards, Fred
Your conversion is not correct above. And the value for longitude is not correct. Check this:
Here below is an example code to do the conversion.
kfrajer, thank you for your help