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i used win7 64bit.processing 2.1 i cannot export a exe file on processing 2.1 for win 64bit. and i can export a exe file on processing 2.1 for win 32.but when i double click it,nothing happen.
i have the same problem as you...
does anybody know how to do?
What do you mean when you say you cannot export an exe? Do you get an error? Does it do nothing? Is the option disabled? Does it export files that don't run? Something else?
Recommended reading: http://wiki.processing.org/w/Export_Info_and_Tips
This code run before export goes very well but failed after exported. I doubt minim lead to that , am i right???(I am on mac and have the same problem)
I tried to export the example sketch.but there is no exe file at all.the else file had been exported besides exe.(64 bit) i can export exe file but when i double click the exe file nothing happened(32 bit) Both of them had no error message.
Problem with recent versions of Processing, already explained (with workaround) in other threads of this category...