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I am doing a project using Kinect/Processing for posture detection. I want to record the depth data using the Kinect Sensor with the 'processing' code and work with those data offline ie. without having the kinect in hand. Is it possible with Processing. Already I had found a FAKENECT library for this purpose, but it was so cumbersome. So, I need help from you guys...
I have this problem too. I'm doing a project using some depth map database. But I don't know how to find the depth of each pixel .
both 'OpenKinect for processing' and 'KinectPV2' (and I guess SimpleOpenNI too, but you'd have to manually track that one down) can output the depthmap in an array. Then just check the examples/references/tutorials. EDIT: some might output as a PImage.. but pretty sure you can still access the int[] containing the depth values
Also, atleast with the Kinect v2, Kinect Studio v2 can record and playback the output as if a Kinect was connected. dunno if there's something like that for the v1 though