Problem with Serial.list() - getting ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

edited April 2017 in Arduino

Hi, something is wrong with "String port = Serial.list()[numero_port_serie];" but i don't know where is the problem Is someone able to answer me ? Error : ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsexception:21

import processing.serial.*; import controlP5.*; ControlP5 cp5; Serial serial; float n; String[] lines;

void setup() { //*************************************************** //* Lecture fichier .txt disponible depuis lines[i] lines=loadStrings("test.txt");

//*Ouverture et test des ports com USB println("Voici la liste des ports :"); println(Serial.list()); int numero_port_serie = 21; // Attention ici à regarder dans la liste pour choisir le bon PORT COM !!! print("Le numero de port est : "); println(numero_port_serie); String port = Serial.list()[numero_port_serie]; print("Le port est : " ); println(port);
serial = new Serial(this ,port ,9600); // attention même vitesse à régler dans le source Arduino !!! size(400,400);

//********************************************* //* Création d'un bouton de control cp5 = new ControlP5(this); cp5.addButton("Valide lecture Arduino", 0, 0, 0, 80, 19).setValue(0).setPosition(50,90).setSize(100,19); cp5.setPosition(100,100); }

void draw() {

} //********************************************* //* Gestion des événements au click sur lebouton public void controlEvent(ControlEvent theEvent) { lines=loadStrings("test.txt"); for (int i = 0 ; i < lines.length; i++) { println(lines[i]); // Affiche la donnée qui va être transférée à l'arduino serial.write(lines[i]); // Transfert vers l'aduino les données du fichier. } }


  • Try [0] or look at the reference

    21 might be too high for the serial List

  • yeah, now the problem is with " serial = new Serial(this ,port ,9600);" :S

  • Please edit your post, select your code and hit ctrl+o to format your code. Make sure there is an empty line above and below your code


  • And a better topic title won't hurt.

  • I have changed the topic title and I suggest that you fix the formatting of the code.


    yeah, now the problem is with " serial = new Serial(this ,port ,9600);"

    responses like this are absolutely useless what is the error message :-?

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