Random function is generating the same numbers

I want to generate sets of coordinates consisting of X and Y, but I want every set to be different. Everytime I restart the program the sets are different to the last time I ran the program but all sets have the same X and the same Y.

void setStars()
  int randX = 10, randY = 10;     // the random X and Y coordinates will be saved in here
  boolean genNew = true;    // determines, if we need to regenerate the set of coordiantes
  for (int i = 0; i < starsCount; i++)   // starsCount is the number of sets I want
    while (genNew)    // while the generated X and Y matches an other set
      randX = (int)random(10, windowWidth-10);    // generate the set
      randY = (int)random(10, windowHeight-10);

      genNew = false;
      for (int j = 0; j < starsX.size(); j++)
        if (randX == starsX.get(j) && randY == starsY.get(j))    // if the generated X and Y matches a set
          genNew = true;         // Generate a new set (basically continue the while loop)

    starsX.add(randX);     // add the generated random X and Y to the ArrayLists

I hope that you will help me solve this problem.

regards, TPRammus

EDIT: Thank you all! Now I see my error. I fixed it by adding "genNew = true;" to the beginning of my for(i)-loop.



  • Answer ✓

    genNew is the problem. your while runs the first time (genNew = true on line 4), but never again (gets set to false on line 12)

    set it to false inside the for(i) loop. remove line 12. change the condition to while ( ! genNew )

    (untested. runnable examples are always better)

  • Answer ✓

    When the break at line 18 is executed it will exit the innermost loop, in other words the loop in lines 13-20 so the break will take you to line 23 so the duplicate star position will still be added to the list. You need to make sure genNew is false before doing lines 23 and 24. So changing lines 23 and 4 to


    should solve the problem (Not tested)

    I found your logic a bit confusing so here is my version

    ArrayList<Integer> starsX = new ArrayList();
    ArrayList<Integer> starsY = new ArrayList();
    int starsCount = 10;
    int windowWidth, windowHeight;
    void setup() {
      size(200, 200);
      windowWidth = width;
      windowHeight = height;
    void printStars() {
      for (int i = 0; i < starsX.size(); i++) {
    void setStars() {
      int randX, randY;
      int n = starsCount;
      boolean duplicate;
      do {
        randX = (int)random(10, windowWidth-10);
        randY = (int)random(10, windowHeight-10);
        duplicate = false;
        for (int j = 0; j < starsX.size(); j++) {
          if (randX == starsX.get(j) && randY == starsY.get(j)) { // Star already here
            duplicate = true;
        if (!duplicate) { // Not duplicate so add the new star position
      } while (n > 0);
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