edited March 2017 in Arduino

Hi guys

I am using an arduino MEGA and using 2 displays on serial 2 and serial 3 (serial0 and serial1 have also data comming in)

I have a bunch of relays (48 total) connected to my arduino mega and I am controlling them with the touch displays (no problem here, everything works)

What I am trying to do now is to make a software using PROCESSING to communicate with the arduino (activate the relays) and at the same time send this information to the touch screens (so each touch screen knows the relay X is activated).

I have seen some videos on how to communicate with arduino and processing but my main problem is that all the video I saw everyone is using serial.print to send information, how to do this when using serial3 and serial4?

Any opinion will be more than welcome.

Regards Filipe LOPES

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