WIFI Communication - PC & Smartphone - Please help me~

edited February 2017 in Android Mode


Hi, nice to meet you. I want to send Korean language to the communication.

I am sending a Korean word for wireless communication between PC and PC. However, Korean is not communicated between PC and smartphone.

Is there a way?

Or can I send a txt file and read it on my cell phone? Please.



  • If the computer and the android device is behind the same local network (like using the same wifi), you could use the OSC library to send string values between your PC and android device. Have you explored this option already?



  • @kfrajer

    Bidirectional communication works well. (Hangul = Korean) But what I want is to send Hangul. I want to send Hangul to both sides, but that is not possible. It is good to send English data. In other words, when I send a Korean, my writing gets broken. This is not a problem with fonts. I experimented.

  • @kfrajer

    Korean communication is well communicated between PC and PC. However, it is difficult to communicate between PC and smartphone.

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