Error Message In Sublime Tex 3 & Processing

Hey there. I recently upgraded to sblmtext3 and processing 3 and am receiving an error message when I type in setupScreen Shot 2017-02-21 at 11.25.22 AM Does anyone have any solutions. I have installed package control and processing-java. Not sure why I'm having issues at this point.

Cheers and thanks!


  • what does the tiny error message say? for that matter, what does ANYTHING say?

    that picture is USELESS

  • Didn't realize you couldn't zoom in on the pic! This what appears when I select setup:

    import processing.opengl.*; import*;

    PGraphicsOpenGL pgl; GL gl;

    void setup() { size( 300, 300, OPENGL ); colorMode( RGB, 1.0 ); hint( ENABLE_OPENGL_4X_SMOOTH ); pgl = (PGraphicsOpenGL) g; gl =; gl.setSwapInterval(1); initGL();


    void draw() { pgl.beginGL();



    void initGL() {


    void getOpenGLErrors() { int error = gl.glGetError(); switch (error) { case 1280 : println("GL_INVALID_ENUM - An invalid enumerant was passed to an OpenGL command."); break; case 1282 : println("GL_INVALID_OPERATION - An OpenGL command was issued that was invalid or inappropriate for the current state."); break; case 1281 : println("GL_INVALID_VALUE - A value was passed to OpenGL that was outside the allowed range."); break; case 1285 : println("GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY - OpenGL was unable to allocate enough memory to process a command."); break; case 1283 : println("GL_STACK_OVERFLOW - A command caused an OpenGL stack to overflow."); break; case 1284 : println("GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW - A command caused an OpenGL stack to underflow."); break; case 32817 : println("GL_TABLE_TOO_LARGE"); break;

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