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Hey there. I recently upgraded to sblmtext3 and processing 3 and am receiving an error message when I type in setup
Does anyone have any solutions. I have installed package control and processing-java. Not sure why I'm having issues at this point.
Cheers and thanks!
what does the tiny error message say? for that matter, what does ANYTHING say?
that picture is USELESS
Didn't realize you couldn't zoom in on the pic! This what appears when I select setup:
import processing.opengl.*; import javax.media.opengl.*;
PGraphicsOpenGL pgl; GL gl;
void setup() { size( 300, 300, OPENGL ); colorMode( RGB, 1.0 ); hint( ENABLE_OPENGL_4X_SMOOTH ); pgl = (PGraphicsOpenGL) g; gl = pgl.gl; gl.setSwapInterval(1); initGL();
void draw() { pgl.beginGL();
void initGL() {
void getOpenGLErrors() { int error = gl.glGetError(); switch (error) { case 1280 : println("GL_INVALID_ENUM - An invalid enumerant was passed to an OpenGL command."); break; case 1282 : println("GL_INVALID_OPERATION - An OpenGL command was issued that was invalid or inappropriate for the current state."); break; case 1281 : println("GL_INVALID_VALUE - A value was passed to OpenGL that was outside the allowed range."); break; case 1285 : println("GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY - OpenGL was unable to allocate enough memory to process a command."); break; case 1283 : println("GL_STACK_OVERFLOW - A command caused an OpenGL stack to overflow."); break; case 1284 : println("GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW - A command caused an OpenGL stack to underflow."); break; case 32817 : println("GL_TABLE_TOO_LARGE"); break;