Processing Android Mode + Android Device + Bluetooth + Arduino



  • Guys, for those who used P2 and suddenly use P3 using the old P2 codes, please take note to delete the android manifest created when P2 codes was executed. Also the problem where the code does not work after deleting the android manifest from an existing P2 code to be revised to P3 codes, was in the P3 sketch, wherein deleting the android manifest resets the permission settings, unchecking the bluetooth permissions. Hence, we should also always check the permissions in P3.

    And through testing, the code that was created here from P2 to P3 still works. So for those who wants to create there own Arduino + Android + Bluetooth Applications, through the use of processing 3, can still use the codes developed here and adapt the final working changes.

    For now, I already tested and used it on 2 arduino based projects, and both are working as expected. :)

  • Those who are interested to try processing+android to connect with an arduino based device via bluetooth, you can try visiting , there is a digital kit product there wherein processing+android codes are used to sync with arduino. Android controlled devices using processing and arduino codes.

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