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Hi I am using processing version 3.2.3 and have the latest arudino and firmatta libraries installed. here is my code:
import processing.serial.*;
import cc.arduino.*;
import controlP5.*;
Arduino arduino;
ControlP5 cp5;
Slider Servo1;
void setup()
size(950, 900);//Definir el tamano de la pantalla
println(Arduino.list()[0]);// Mostrar los puertos COM disponibles
arduino = new Arduino(this, Arduino.list()[0], 57600);//En los corchetes debes introducir el numero del COM empezando de 0,1,2,3 dependiendo los dispositivos que aparescan en la lista
cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
arduino.pinMode(2, Arduino.SERVO);//Definir el pin 2 para la conexion de un servomotor
Servo1 = cp5.addSlider("1").setRange(0,180).setValue(90).setPosition(110,110).setSize(270,25).setNumberOfTickMarks(270).setLabelVisible(false).setColorForeground(color(255,0,0)).setColorBackground(color(0,255,0)).setColorActive(color(0,0,255));
void draw()
arduino.digitalWrite(2, int(Servo1.getValue()));
text("Servo Tester", 300, 75);
text("Servo1", 20, 125);
text("[Pin 2]", 25, 150);
text(int(Servo1.getValue())+"°", 390, 130);
I get an illegal access error at line 15 which isarduino = new Arduino(this, Arduino.list()[0], 57600); and I have no idea why? I am on win7 64 bit OS and the only comm port I have is COMM 3.You can try my code as well to see what I mean
to see the available ports changing line 14,