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Dear all, I'm struggling with a problem from several days on my processing sketch.
In a nutshell, I've created a sketch to display data on a graph using the g4p library/tool and other data from a custom board that I designed and the sketch itself.
Data are exchange through a virtual serial connection on a bluetooth using a bluetooth to serial adapter on the board (HC-05) and a classic usb to bluetooth key (DBT-122)
The first thing that I do is to make the serial connection using blueman like is explained in this tutorial: http://rvr.linotipo.es/2016/05/conexión-serie-bluetooth-con-processing-en-ubuntu.html
As soon as I try to open the serial connection, I get this error on the processing console:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error opening serial port /dev/rfcomm0: Port busy
It's like if the COM port cannot be opened by processing because something else is using it. It's weird because everything was working on processing 2.
Since that now I need to use processing 3, I did the code porting successfully but getting this serial error.
Anyone can help me in this?