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Hey all, First off, really sorry for how rookie this question may be, but I am hoping to get some advice of high level strategy on debugging in javascript. I am venturing into p5.js for the first time and am really struggling with how to debug my code. I am familiar with Java via processing and python. In those languages you are running your code in an IDE that can give you some kind of error output, but since p5.js runs in the browser, I can't seem to get a good idea of how to debug. I know this must be possible, because javascript is everywhere.
I have tried using both the processing IDE and pycharm. I have examples and my own code running in both, but when my code starts to get bigger, I always run into the issue of the blank browser output. Then I have to manually go in and comment out sections to figure out what is causing the sketch to fail.
Am I just not getting how to do this? Probably. Please help. Any advice however specific or vague would be a good start. I feel like I must not be understanding how javascript is developed because this is so slow and painful.
GoToLoop, Thanks a lot. This was just what I was looking for. For anybody else who finds themselves in a similar position, here is a screen shot of what the debug should look like.![](javascript-error-output.html)
![Screen Shot 2017-01-07 at 8.12.48 PM Screen Shot 2017-01-07 at 8.12.48 PM](https://forum.processing.org/two/uploads/imageupload/671/TMIP4Y1OAPE6.png)