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Hi everyone,
First I've to say that I'm as good in English than in Processing. I'm not an hard-coder but I understand the way it works.
I just bought a new computer (MacBook Pro), and installed Processing for a project I need to code. So I see there's an absolutely new version of Processing (2.1) and download it: on my old computer I still work with the 1.2.1 I write the piece of code I need, and then export it as an app. And then: the app file weight 118 Mo (embedding Java)! Then I try without embed Java, and the file still weight 12,5Mo. It's quite a lot for a tiny piece of code. So I send it to the old Processing 1.2.1, export it (without embed Java) and the file only weight 843Ko.
Is there a reason for this difference (15x more in the new version for the same code)?
I don't find no references to this in the forum.
Perhaps it is because the jogl and gluegen jars are included in the application even if the sketch is not using P2D, P3D or OpenGL modes... You can try and remove them for an instant diet.