Cannot launch p5js

edited December 2016 in p5.js

Hi all, I downloaded P5js from here

I am using Windows-10 64-bit, OS. I downloaded the Windows P5js Editor and tried launching it. But, a wait courser appears and then nothing happens. I am not able to launch the exe file. I have tried changing the directory and also tried using the default windows zipper, but nothing seemed to work.

Please help me get started.



  • The p5js-editor has some bugs and will not be fixed. Because the people developing p5js have decided to make a web editor instead, that will make starting with p5js easier and solve the common problem of installation, but it isn't ready yet.

    The p5js-website has a nice introduction on how to use p5js with a regular text/code-editor like Sublime, Atom or similar:

    You also have the option of using the Processing editor, that you can download from here: and install the "p5js mode", but following the instructions mentioned above is as far as I know the recommended way to go at the moment.

  • Thanks doxanthropos

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