Writing to file goes slower and slower, what to do?

edited December 2016 in Raspberry PI


I ran into a problem when using the Serial library. I have an Arduino program that sends data through the serial transmitter. The arduino is connected to a Raspberry Pi where a processing program collects the data and prints them to a txt-file. The txt-file is overwritten every time there is new data from arduino. With the help of the serial library and Printwriter, this has worked well. Until now...

Now suddenly with each transmission, the writing to the file goes slower and slower. There are no error messages in the processing editor.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance


  • How about writing to the file only when the program closes, storing the data until then. Or maybe use multithreading, though that would be difficult.

  • edited December 2016

    I assume you mean just writing to the file one time? The purpose of the txt-file is for it to work as a database that is updated continuously. Here's my code:

    import processing.serial.*;                    //Imports the serial library
    int lf = 10;                                   //Linefeed in ASCII
    String myString = null;                        //Empties the value of myString
    String previousString = null;                  //The last string printed to the txtfile
    Serial mySerial;                               //the serial port
    PrintWriter output;                            //Sets the PrintWriter to output
    /** the setup-method runs once*/
    void setup() {
      // Stores the second serial-port in the portName string
      String portName = Serial.list()[1];
      // Opens the chosen serial-port, on the right baudrate, the same as on the Arduino
      mySerial = new Serial( this, portName, 9600);
      /** Throws out the first reading, in case the reading started
      in the middle of a string from the sender*/
      // Reads and stores the latest json string from the serial transmitter
      myString = mySerial.readStringUntil(lf);
      // Empty myString
      myString = null;
    /** the draw-method runs until the program stops*/
    void draw() { 
      // If the serial port is available, read the latest json string 
      if (mySerial.available()> 0) {
        myString = mySerial.readStringUntil(lf);
        /** Every time the returned json string have a new and valid value(not null) 
        a txt.file is created in the sketch directory, overwriting the previous one.
        if (myString != null && myString != previousString) {
          // Set the most recently r
          previousString = myString;
          output = createWriter( "data.txt" );
          // the json string is printed into the new txt file
          output.println( myString );
          // Writes the remaining data to the file
          // Finishes the file

    Do you have any other suggestions? Thanks for your time : )

  • put some timing debug printlns around the actual writing.

    and give us some idea of the data that's being written. it's not just a case that the data is growing with time, is it?

    (and why are you overwriting the same file again and again?)

  • As I mentioned I use the txt-file as a database. The values that I get in from arduino comes in the form of a json string {"in":x, "out":y}. Then I have a JavaScript that reads the values of the json-objects. I overwrite the file since the program will be running for a long time, and I don't want the file to be too large.

  • JavaScript? Where?

  • Answer ✓

    The JavaScript is irrelevant to the problem. I figured out the slowdown was due to a memory leakage. The conditions for creating the file was always true, since I mistakenly used != comparison when I really should have used !string1.equals(string2). When I changed that, it solved the problem.

  • @hejhej -- thank you for sharing how you found the problem and your resolution.

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