Design patten for application states

What exactly is the preferred design pattern for application states in Processing? I am coming from Java, but haven't done too much GUI. This is what I'm currently using for switching application states:

Main class:

void setup() {
    size(900, 500);
    AppState currentState;
void draw() {
void setCurrentState(AppState as) {
    currentState = as;
class States {
    AppState LOADING = new LoadingScreen();
    AppState MAIN = new MainScreen();

Then, I have an abstract class AppState and some classes that extend it and override its methods:

class LoadingScreen extends AppState {
    public void tick() {
        //This method is called every frame while loading is the current app state
        //All logic goes here
    public void init() {
        //This code is run every time the current app state is switched to loading

Basically, I'm only calling tick() of the current app state instead of putting all my logic in draw(). Similarly, I can also make classes like this for main screen, settings menu and anything else I might need. Is this approach considered good or bad? If it's bad, what should I use then? I am new to Processing and any help will be very much appreciated!


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