Irregular triangle bounce

edited December 2016 in Programming Questions


I have been trying to make this irregular triangle bounce. Now it works on the top but not on the three other boundaries.

Could somebody help? Thank you !

Here is the code: It displays well in this Processing Online editor!star_painted

boolean xRight, xLeft, yDown; //, yTop;
int xPos, yPos;
int speed = 1;

void setup() {
  size(250, 350);

  xRight = true;
  yDown = true;

  xPos = width/2;
  yPos = height/2;

void draw() {

  // Control  right
  if (xRight) xPos += speed;
  else xPos -= speed;

if (xPos +76.67>= width  || xPos <= 0) xRight = !xRight;

  // Control  left
 if (xLeft) xPos -= speed;
 else xPos += speed;

if (xPos -23.33 >= width  || xPos >= 0) xLeft = !xLeft;

  // Control down and up
  if (yDown) yPos += speed;
  else yPos -= speed;

  if (yPos >= height || yPos -124.33 <= 0) yDown = !yDown;

  driehoek(xPos, yPos);

void driehoek(int xLinks, int yLinks) {
  int xA = xLinks -53.33;
  int yA = yLinks -4.33;
  int xB = xLinks -23.33;
  int yB = yLinks +95.67;
  int xC = xLinks +76.67;
  int yC = yLinks -124.33;
  triangle(xA, yA, xB, yB, xC, yC);



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