How can I write text without the letters overlapping?

I want to write using the normal letters of the keyboard, but instead of letters I want images. I know how to associate a letter to an image. But for now, I want to know how can I write without the letters stay overlapping. This is what I have so far. Please help me!

int rectWidth;
//int segundos = 30;
//int frate = 50;
//int cont = 2;

void setup() {
  size(640, 360);
  rectWidth = width/4;

void draw() { 
  // keep draw() here to continue looping while waiting for keys
  // save("imagem"+cont+".jpg");
  //   cont++;

void keyPressed() {
  int keyIndex = -1;
  if (key >= 'A' && key <= 'Z') {
    keyIndex = key - 'A';
  } else if (key >= 'a' && key <= 'z') {
    keyIndex = key - 'a';
  if (keyIndex == -1) {
    // If it's not a letter key, clear the screen
  } else { 
  text(key, random(550), 240);
  print (key);



  • This is what I have so far.

    Did you mean to show your code? Please edit your post, paste in your code, highlight the code and press CTRL+o to indent. This will help forum members read it, run it, and give feedback.

  • I was asking how can I create a code using processing to type/write normally, because what I have right now, just allowed me to type/write, but the with the letters overlapping.

  • Answer ✓

    yes, but you had to format your code so we could read it before we could see what you were doing.

    this is the bit displaying the letters

      text(key, random(550), 240);

    so you are printing the new character at a random position on line 240. to stop this you have to control the x position. maybe start at 0 and move to the right with each letter...

  • Can you explain me how to control the x position, please?

    1. Read the tutorial "Coordinate Systems and Shapes" to understand x and y:
    2. Look at the reference page for text() to see how the x argument is defined:
    3. Look at the 2d Array example for an advanced example of many different dots, each drawn at a different x/y location. Instead of dots, they could be images, or letters.
  • But if I take the random it's impossible to write This is what happen with the code that I have.


  • edited December 2016

    Try these:

    Show text at a random x:

    text(key, random(550), 240);

    Show text at x=100: (same place every time)

    text(key, 100, 240);

    Show text based at an x based on what second it currently is (0-59):

    text(key, second()*10, 240);

    ...did you try them?

    Okay, now: @koogs is suggesting that you instead do something like this:

    text(key, x, 240);

    ...but now you need to define x as a variable somewhere before using it, and every time you press a key, you need to increase x by some amount -- e.g. x=x+10; -- like a cursor moving forward.

  • Now, the letters just stay overlapping in the same place :s

  • Re-read the end of my answer.

  • depending on the size of the letters 10 pixels might not be enough. try a bigger value.

    best of all would be to modify the increment based on the width of the new letter... (using textWidth())

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