Having problems with PS's Undo feature

edited December 2016 in Using Processing

God fucking jesus i've been using Processing 3.2.whatever the fucking newest fuck version of this fucking shit program for a few days now and I just lost the past fuckin hour of code cause I layed into CTRL+Z to go back about two minutes of shit that I'd decided I no longer wanted only for the whole fucking Processing environment to start fucking up all of my code deleting random spaces or operators or line breaks, completely unrecoverable in every way.


Thanks ahead for telling me to save more often, but it doesn't address the problem.


  • Paste this in a Windows explorer (assuming you're on Windows): %appdata%\..\Local\Temp, it will take you to the temporary folder where Processing compiles a .java file to every time you run a sketch. You can use it to find back parts of your code that you can't recover. However don't just copy paste everything from that file to your sketch as this is Java and not Processing, there are some minor differences.

  • thanks i'll look

  • If you go to the temporal folder where all the temp files are created and stored, press shift + right cick on the explorer window and open a command prompt window. Then think about a keyword that is unique to your code. For example, the name of a variable or class that you only have in your code you want to recover. Then type findstr /S /L "KEYWORD" *.* This command will list all files with that keyword. Modificator /S ensures it traverses all subfolders during the search.

    This only works if you ran your code before. Every time you run your code, a temp file is created. Order the folders based on modification date. The newest is your latest temp copy. Good luck!


  • Woah man, control your anger....
    Don't use so much slang language in the title.

  • You have obviously never lost an hour's worth of code :D

  • An hours worth of code? Ha!
    I have lost an entire day's worth of damn code.
    I just told him to remove slangs from the title, not the body.

  • I have to agree with Lord_of_the_Galaxy that there is no need for such bad language either in the title or in my opinion, the actual comments.

    I understand the OPs frustration, I have had many similar experiences, but that is no excuse for repeated obscene language.

    I have modified the discussion title.

  • Better, it actually encourages more people to read the post.

  • Also consider reporting this (with careful description and without the language) to Processing Issues -- or adding a comment if there is an open Undo issue.


    It is possible that they believe this issue is fixed, or that it was fixed and reappeared, or that it is low priority because nobody is saying it is a problem.

  • This reminds me of flowery talk from @GoToLoop... at a an another level of course %-(

    I have been there, than that. The frustration is understandable. Thanks @jeremydouglass for pursuing this further.


  • Yes, all praise to jeremydouglass for his comments. Personally I wouldn't give the OP the time of day.

    I feel sad for anyone who thinks using this kind of language on an open forum is appropriate.

  • This issue is open, but not reproduced by the dev team, here:

    Anyone who can recreate the undo problem, please chime in there and describe the effect (and your Processing version and OS version).

  • I appreciate the fact that you comment even with such fairly unreadable language, jeremydouglass.

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