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Hey all, just got this app, and it makes programming java easier, however, I have a small issue, the application goes all screwy, see this screenshot https://gyazo.com/93e309677b7075364fbe1f8bffe66485
Visual Paradigm fixed this by adding "-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true" to the file vplauncher.vmoptions, does anyone know where the vmoptions file is meant to go and what its meant to be named, or if there's another way to fix this issue with Processing.
thanks in advanced.
that's a Visual Paradigm-specific file, it won't help here.
in linux the processing file in the processing base directory is a shell script so you could put it there. not sure about the windows equiv.
(github says there's a processing.bat file in windows
https://github.com/processing/processing/blob/master/build/windows/processing.bat )
Thanks for your reply, i know the file if VP specific, i was just saying the solution to the same problem i had with VP, and wanted to know where i could place that line of text or if there was another fix to solve my issue, i have tried placing the command in preferences.txt in my %APPDATA%/Processing folder and its still having the same issue as the screenshot.
We just saw what looks like a similar problem described here:
Please report it to Processing Issues -- this will let the core dev team know about it so that they can look into it.