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Hi, Few days ago, I installed processing 2.1 It works. But today I noticed that I can't launch anymore Processing 1.5.1. Only Processing 2.1 works ! Is there a link ?
Thank you for your help. Fabrice
I've got Processing versions 2.0.2 & 1.5.1 in my Lubuntu box, and both work. :bz
Be aware that unfortunately all Processing versions share the same "preferences.txt" config file! [..]
Thank you for your help. What is the correct way to use thoses files preferences.txt ? What should I do to make sure the problem comes from preferences.txt ? I use processing since version 1.1. It's the first time I can't launch processing !
1 of the setups inside "preferences.txt" file is to point where is our so-called "sketchbook" folder!
That folder, besides storing our source code ".pde" texts, have all other kinds of essential sub-folders,
like "/libraries" & "/modes" & "/tools". It's a total mess!!! ~X(
I too had that same bug. I couldn't launch v1.5.1 anymore after installing "AppletMaker" tool! b-(
Besides that, Processing 2 libraries are rarely compatible w/ older versions.
But they share the very same "/libraries" subfolder! :-(
I wish there was a way to force Processing 1.5.1 to use another path or diff. file name.
Or even better, Processing 2 could change "preferences.txt" to "preferences2.txt".
This way, all version conflicts would disappear at an instant! O:-)
A possible "fix" would be to have 2 "sketchbook" folders, and rename them as a way to activate/deactivate for the version we're currently using! :ar!
I found what was wrong !!! When I installed processing 2.1, I installed too AppletMaker.
I remembered this. So I uninstall AppletMaker, and now everything is good !
Have someone noticed that ?
Thank you goToLoop ! I don't read (and write) english very well. It would be great for me if I had taken the time to understand your post ! Especially this : "I too had that same bug. I couldn't launch v1.5.1 anymore after installing "AppletMaker" tool! " Thank you again !