Kinect V2 + Gesture ?

edited December 2016 in Kinect

Hi all,

I am quite new to processing. I am trying to use Kinect V2 to navigate in 3d space using processing. i managed to create the 3d file and import it into processing. I have tried Kinect V1, it worked and i managed to detect hands and skeleton. The problem is that Kinect V1 is not very accurate and sometimes things get missed up. Now i have Kinect V2 and i am wondering if there is any library or existing code for body skeleton tracking and body gesture... as far as i am concern, there are only 2 available libraries for Kinect; openkinect and SDK. My labmates are using SDK for body gesture but they are using C++ which i am not allowed to use for my current project. so is there any way to do the same with processing?

Thanks alot



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