lights and Shapes3D library

edited December 2013 in Library Questions

p5 1.5.1, osX 1.6.8 is it possible to use lights (directional, ambient...) with textured shapes using the Shapes3D library??? - in the example "earth & moon" (included in the library) lights are used, but if i change the R G B values or put "noLights()" the result seems to me to be the same - Creating textured shapes with beginShape() permits to use lights only when adding the normal() method; what is the difference with Shapes3D??? thanks in advance and especially for Quarks and its big and usefull library...


  • Answer ✓

    When a shape is created with Shapes3D; surface normals are also calculated and used when the shape is drawn i.e. the normal() method is called on every vertex. So not sure what the problem.

    Shapes3D has been slightly modified when Processing moved to version 2 so might try a version developed for PS 1.5.1 i.e. Shapes3D V1.9.3 and see if that works.

  • .9.3::it works! thanks

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