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Hello, i've been trying all downable versions (mac) of Processing from your download page and when i run a very simple line of code the display window never appears. I've install, unistall, upload Os X El capitan 10.11.6 and it still doesn't work. Do you have any idea of a possible solution? Thank you, Richard Negre
Have you tried any of the Examples from the menu? Do they work?
What simple line of code are you running? Please share it here.
Not all code will cause the display window to appear!
Thanks for reacting. So, i tried few Examples and no display window. This is a kind of line i wrote: void setup() { size (600,600); noCursor() ; stroke(255); background(0); frameRate(30); } I'm starting to think that it comes from my computer.
Do you get errors in the Error tab of the PDE? Do errors appear in the Mac OS "Console" application -- either when you launch Processing, or when you run a sketch?
If deleting and reinstalling Processing doesn't help, you may want to report this as an issue on Processing Issues ( https://github.com/processing/processing/issues ) along with as many details as possible, and see if you can get help there.
When I open Processing, the following message appears on MacOS Console : 15/11/2016 23:10:23,961 WindowServer[166]: _CGXRemoveWindowFromWindowMovementGroup: window 0x54 is not attached to window 0x59 I have no idea if it is usefull for the situation. I'll look at Processing Issues.
After cleaning the computer (files,folders...) i launched again Processing and the following message appears in console part:
Does it help you to understand?
And also, impossible to open Examples, it looks like it has something to do with Java. I know nothing about Java.
Thank you.
You should report an issue to the Processing Issues linked above. Don't post a screenshot -- cut and paste the console error text.