about SinOsc array: difficulty in stop the sound (sounds stupid!)

edited November 2016 in Library Questions

Hi, I'm writing a coding for assignment, just one last step: stop the sound. I use an array to store the sound, but when I call it to stop ( sin[y].stop(); ), it would not! It keeps saying Null Pointer Exception. I know the reason that it is null before I selected a square, but it does not work either when I use specific value (sin[0].stop(); etc.).

Here's the full coding.

import processing.sound.*;
SinOsc [] sin;

int t=0;       
int spacing = 10;
int rectSize = 40;
boolean [][] selected;
int [] notes = {880, 990, 1110, 1320, 1480};

void setup()

  selected = new boolean[16][5];
  for (int i = 0; i < selected.length; i++)
    for(int j = 0; j < selected[i].length; j++) 
    selected[i][j] = false;
  sin = new SinOsc[5];
void draw()

    sin[0].stop();    //the question is here!~

    for (int y=0; y < 5; y++)
        sin[y] = new SinOsc(this);

 //draw rectangles
  for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
    int a = spacing*(i+1)+rectSize*i;
    int b = spacing*(j+1)+rectSize*j;
    if(selected[i][j]) fill(150,150,255);               //selected = blue
    else fill(254,223,225);                             //unselected = pink
    if(i==t) fill (208,90,110);                         //red bar according to time
    rect(a, b, rectSize, rectSize);

  //interaction buttons
  rect(270, 2*height/3,80,80);
  rect(375, 2*height/3,80,80);
  rect(480, 2*height/3,80,80);

  rect(285, 2*height/3+15, 50, 50);
  triangle(390,2*height/3+10,390, 2*height/3+70, 440,2*height/3+40);
  triangle(390,2*height/3+40, 440, 2*height/3+10, 440, 2*height/3+70);
  rect(380, 2*height/3+10,10,60);

void mousePressed()
  int redX = mouseX/(spacing+rectSize);
  int redY = mouseY/(spacing+rectSize);

  if (redX>-1 && redX<selected.length && redY>-1 && redY<selected[redY].length)

  if(dist(mouseX,mouseY,310,2*height/3+40)<40) noLoop();         //pause
  else if(dist(mouseX,mouseY,415,2*height/3+40)<40) loop();      //start
  else if(dist(mouseX,mouseY,520,2*height/3+40)<40) t=0;         //restart: change the variables to the initial value


  • Hi,

    Nice sketch!

    As you said it is null because those values have not been instantiated before the double for loop. So, make sure you never call a sin[] element that is null. This is a simple way to achieve that:

    void draw()
      if (frameCount%20==1)
        for (int y=0; y < 5; y++)
          if (selected[t][y])
            sin[y] = new SinOsc(this);
          else if(sin[y]!= null) sin[y].stop();    //a fix
    // (...)
  • Thanks sooooo much! I've thought about the similar idea, but I may be insufficient to understand fully the "!"means, so I wrote

    else if( !selected[t][y] ) sin[y].stop();

    and it does not work either. But yours works perfectly. I think I know where the problem is, cos if selected[t][y] is null, !selected[t][y] is null as well, so it does not help me..

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