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Hi, Anyone can help me I have a project with android mobile and processing to to implement an application to record the arm movements through the use of the accelerometer of an Android mobile device. The phone will capture data and send them to a PC thro ugh a wireless connexion. The programming will be in Processing/Java. The system will require to install oscP5, netP5 and Ketai libraries for communication and data exchange.
Calibration After finding the appropriate position to locate the phone on the body limb (typically above the wrist), the first part of the program will consist in calibrating the inertial sensor for each spatial plan (frontal and sagittal) and subject tested. Take a look to figure 3 in order to (i) facilitate the identification of each axis of a smartphone and (ii) see a typical position of a subject that has to perform the task in the frontal position.
Extras - Data recording that automatically stop when the desired angle is reached (and a visual and/or audio feedback are/is emitted). - Implementation of a metronome to help subjects executing the movement at 2 different speeds. - Recording the movement through a high resolution webcam for future comparison between wearable inertial and remote visual motion capture. In this case the subjectshould wear clothing that sticks to the skin and markers have to be placed as indicated in figure 4. The 2 records (inertial and video) should be controlled by the same program, in order to make sure they are synchronized (read the same clock).
Figure 3? Figure 4 Did you intend to attach images? Or is this a copied-and-pasted homework assignment sheet?