anyone on Arch Linux or using i3wm ?

edited October 2016 in Using Processing


I've installed Processing 3 and everything seems to be working fine, except that if I start a sketch, it doesn't display anything. The arrow turns green if there are no errors, if there are errors in the sketch this does not happen and i see error message in the console. In my process monitor I can see that a new java process is started when I run a sketch, but the window in which the sketch should be displayed is simply nowhere to be found.

If I use the Contribution Manager or if I want to choose an example sketch, processing opens a new window without problem.

In the processing preferences I have a choice of three displays, I tried all of them, but makes no difference.

I run Arch Linux and I use the i3 tiling window manager, so I guess this must be causing some of the trouble. It happens with the java version that comes in the processing install. I managed to install an Oracle java-8-jre specifically packaged for Arch Linux, and get Processing to use that one instead, but that did not change anything.

in i3 (or in any tiling window manager), applications are not in full control of the size of their window, might this be causing trouble ?

Are there any processing users that use Arch Linux or i3 and recognize any of these problems ? Any pointers would be very welcome....




  • Hi Joost,

    I'm using i3wm on Arch and I love it. I3wm does support to run software in floating mode. You can do this by using the key combination ($mod + shift + space by default). But I also believe you can setup your i3.conf to start specific applications in floating mode. You could bind a keycombo to the application and tell it to start in floating mode like this: ****bindsym $mod+k exec keepassX inFloatingMode****

    Hope this helps you in your quest to master the i3wm.

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