Graph translation error in simple parametric

edited October 2016 in Library Questions


Very simple solution here. I'm trying to graph a figure 8 knot with particles, and the visual seems to be translating incorrectly around the z axis, as if there is only one quadrant repeating or something... is there a translate() solution for this?

import toxi.geom.*; import toxi.math.*; import toxi.util.*; import toxi.physics.*; import peasy.*; import toxi.physics.VerletParticle; import toxi.physics.VerletSpring;

int iteration = 50; PImage back; float w = 10;

Particle[] particles = new Particle[iteration]; ArrayList springs;

VerletPhysics physics; PeasyCam cam;

void setup(){ size(2560,1600, P3D); cam = new PeasyCam(this, 200); back = loadImage("backgroundKNUX.jpg");


void draw(){

float q = 0; background(back); lights();

for(int t =0; t < iteration; t++){

  float x = ((2+cos(2*q))*cos(3*q))*10;
  float y = ((2+cos(2*q))*sin(3*q))*10;
  float z = (sin(4*q))*10;

  Particle n = new Particle(x,y,z);
  particles[t] = n;

} for(int p = 0; p < iteration; p++){ particles[p].display(); } }



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