Face Tracking

edited September 2016 in Kinect

Hi friends! I'm looking for a way of track a moving face on a camera. I need a basic tracking, just one face at a time.

I tried Ketai library, but it works only in Android.

Searching on the web I found some libraries for Javascript, like this one TRACKINGJS but I need something with more stability and performance.

Ideas and recomendations are welcome, thanks!



  • Answer ✓

    Try the OpenCV library that you can install in processing. Check the examples that it comes with.


  • Thanks kfrajer! OpenCV library contains an example named "LiveCamTest" which detect faces. That's what I'm looking for.

  • Thanks kfrajer! OpenCV library contains an example named "LiveCamTest" which detect faces. That's what I'm looking for.

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