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Where is the pointer to the Java version to use ?
My exported app is looking for old version of JAVA.
It is looking for 1.8.0_74 while I installed 1.8.0_101.
I am on Win7x64. Opening cmd on the same directory as the exe and running :
Should I report this as a BUG? Processing 3.1.1 does not have this BUG.
How did you export the application?
Have you tried changing the
Embed Java
toggle?Yes & Yes Embed Java helps
Same issue on my end, and though embedding java works, it only does so for 64 bit version of exported pde. Any solutions available for the 32 bit version as well?
Same here. When I export 64 bit app it works just fine (with serial communication) but 32 bit app asks for Java Runtime Enviroment 1.8.0_74 even though the 32 bit computer has the 1.8.0_111 version. Stuck here.
Solution is simple: download and install JRE 1.8.0_74 on the 32 bit machine. Problem solved.
This was solved in the latest update though (v 3.2.3), so better check if you're not accidentally running an older verion of Processing.