Importing a 3D object ani manipulating it using Processing

edited March 2016 in Library Questions

I used an objloader library to import a 3D object

Now I want to rotate and move 'the hand' of the 3D object. I am not sure how I do this. How do I select a shape and then rotate it?

My main problem is to select or tell Processing that I want to manipulate a shape. I am just looking for a starting point. Please help.



  • you need to post the code you need help with, but if i understand you right i think what you want todo is use the mousex & y in the constructor of your obj same way you wud if you wanted to manipulate shapes.

  • unclear question

    Now I want to rotate a 3D object.

    did you look at peasy cam?

    Now I want to rotate and move 'the hand' of the 3D object.

    what is the hand? Translate / explain?

    I want to manipulate a shape.

    do you mean move one vertex within the oject?

  • Uh, guys? This question was asked back in December 2013. Almost two years ago. It's unlikely that the original asker still need help with this.

  • ups...

    may I blame Frank...?

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